Category Archives: Dear Diary

Amarillo Slim – from my POV

I dealt Amarillo Slim’s Super Bowl of Poker in 1988 at Caesars in Lake Tahoe, and in 1989 at Caesars in Las Vegas.  I was a green horn hick from Montana when I dealt it in Lake Tahoe and can barely remember seeing Amarillo Slim.  It was like a ‘poker star’ sighting and I wasn’t sure I was supposed to be impressed but the other dealers appeared to be. Continue reading Amarillo Slim – from my POV

Checking in – and PokerStars buys Full Tilt Poker!

I’m going to experiment with a new approach to blogging. Getting out a bottle of wine, toasting off a coupla glasses, and then stumbling to the computer and blindly searching out this page to start scribbling again – on a weekly basis. Like…maybe 2-3 times a week. Keep in mind that my best blogging (IMHO) is done when I’m pissed or have a point to make. Since I no longer deal to the butt-tards of high limit (thank you GOD!), the posts may be a confused jumble of WTF! But…I need to start somewhere and stay with it. If I don’t, I may as well seal the door on Table Tango. I opt to keep the door open for now. Continue reading Checking in – and PokerStars buys Full Tilt Poker!