Things you hear at the table!

Some days you’re cheese…some days you’re grilled.

The difference between a poker player praying at church and praying at the poker table? At the poker table he really means it!

“My strategy is to adjust my strategy to whatever works at the time.”

“War is hell and so is poker!”

After going all in and losing the pot, “I was done about 4 hours ago…I just forgot to throw in the towel!

“The big chested drink fairies seem to do fairly well.”

$15-30 stud player after going all-in and winning the pot: “I wanted to go home, you guys won’t let me.” The loser of the pot, “Nope, you have to stay here and suffer with the rest of us.”

$40-80 Stud Player after listening to the whoops and hoots of 4 ladies in a $1-5 stud table: “Guess they don’t know the rule…women should be exposed but not heard!”

Overheard at a $30-60 Holdem table in Las Vegas…a well known male writer/player stated, “I like a nice, firm shaft!”

Yes, he was talking about a golf club.

A $1-5 stud player: My wife says it’s a good thing stupidity is painless, otherwise I’d be crying all the time!”

“I’d rather have frost on my peaches than you in my pot!”

“It ain’t no fun when the rabbit’s got the gun!”

“Didn’t know there was an ass big enough to fit a horseshoe that size!”

“All trappers don’t wear fur hats!”