Who am I?

I am Linda R. Geenen. A real person that plays and deals poker, has her own eccentric view of life, is very bizarre and off the wall at times, but down to earth in most matters except in the case of the Card Fairy.

In the time period between 20 and 40 years of age, I continuously heard, “I’m trying to find out who I am,” from 100’s of people that I came in contact with. I always marveled over that statement. I still don’t know who I am or what I want to be and if there is an answer, I might not like it. At times, I believe I know everything I need to know about life, people, the world around me, and my spiritual being. At other times, I know that I don’t shit about shit and I don’t think there are any answers to the question. During the latter times, I usually grab a glass of wine and kick back, trying not to think about anything.

I do know that I’m heavily involved in the world of poker and have been for over 25 years and I can’t imagine it not being in my life. I know the play of the game of poker is quite simplistic, yet very complex. I like poker for that reason. I also like poker because of the social factor. I’ve met thousands of people at the tables, and many of them have met me through Table Tango. In meeting all of these people, sharing stories, poker hands, little bits of history, life, emotional experiences, I actually met myself. I wouldn’t have it any other way.

See you there!

One thought on “Who am I?”

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In the beginning poker was the primary content feed, somehow, life got in the way!