Category Archives: Dear Diary

You will be jumped on, there is no escape

First we had the horrible hateful winds and some rain, and it was cold, and more wind, but the wave of grasshoppers is the WORST type of weather one can imagine.  They are migrating right now, by the thousands upon thousands, and I hope they are on their way to hell and all their little wingy-poos get burned off. Continue reading You will be jumped on, there is no escape

Calling about the bag of marijauna

It’s a bit of a story but I’m happy to take the time to tell it because it’s one that shows how stupidly naive people can be, especially when they are in business, and what they get away with because you don’t have a choice. Like this statement: “None of my employees do drugs.” Yeah, right buddy. Bears don’t shit in the woods either.
Continue reading Calling about the bag of marijauna

Damn government!

I must not be the only one that ever wonders WTF the feds were really accomplishing when they shut down online poker to the masses. And I must not be the only one that feels I possibly could have started to glean a nice little weekly stack from grinding online. And it’s possible I would score in tournaments too. I feel I got cheated in more ways than one by the U.S. government over the years and online poker is, once again, at the top of the “Linda-got-cheated” stack. Continue reading Damn government!

Hearts and flowers

Another Valentine’s Day is about to close the chapter on making your BF/GF or mate or mom or dad or kid or someone out there feel special. How did it go? I’ve been single for so long I can’t help but wonder what the fuss is all about. If you love someone, want to be with them, want to make them happy, then it should be a project for 365 days of the year. Continue reading Hearts and flowers