The pain – the Boston Marathon

Too hurtful to even think about. Is there a message hidden somewhere in killing or maiming people and destroying the lives of those left behind?  I can’t find one. My heart and thoughts feel a kinship with the effect of 911.

I live with my head buried deep in the sand and I like it that way.  When I surface for a moment to find mankind destroying the world, I try to dig back deeper into the dark refuge.

I just happened to be at Carls Jr. for a low carb burger and catch the news in their dining area yesterday. I had a hard time fighting back the emotion of watching the initial footage. I don’t have a satellite dish or any news available on TV and if not for food while out doing some shopping, I might have missed knowing about it until today when I hit Facebook.

The U.S. is under attack and every place is vulnerable to destruction by people who hate and seek control. We hand out cash and supplies to every country in need in the world, yet we can’t take care of our own.

Of course we work our asses off just to survive, help other countries financially,  give up our space and freedoms, and bury our soldiers that die fighting other country’s battles, so they – in turn – can kill us and hate us.

Color me sad and disgusted.

3 thoughts on “The pain – the Boston Marathon”

  1. Hateful folks out there for certain, Linda. Paying them off is not the way. Neither, it seems, is killing them off. Reminds me of some of the non-workers here in the village. If you are perceived to have a dollar more, you’re a target.

    Humans. Nature. Sadness.

  2. General Curtis Lemay said, “Bomb them back into the stone age.” That is hard when they are already there.

    Our aid programs have been more a bribe than a help to the people. We made a lot of people rich and haven’t stopped the suffering. There are so many small charities that have brought fresh water and such that really improved living. I have a modest Kiva account that does micro-loans to let people build their own leg up. Truth be told what has government solved with all that money. Even our own hate the controls government places on our own.

    Hatred is more easily found than love. And we can’t prove that wrong if our solution is always war. Obama’s only change was rhetorical.

    1. I’ve read about Kiva, and heard about it from others that participate. It sounds like a great program and worth funding. Agreed that we are not helping anyone – or ourselves – with the approach the way it is now. I wonder if there’s enough time and resources left on the planet to ever turn it around…I hate confrontation and war whether it’s on a level of all-out destruction or on a small scale with people I know. Let’s always hope for peace on earth and that it happens in our lifetime.

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