Who says there are only

24 hours in a day?  I know for a fact there were at least 70 in today.  It started at 5 a.m. when I woke up, got up to do the potty thing and couldn’t go back to sleep.  Then I was out for the desert hike with Amy at 7:30.  Back close to 9 and it was major property clean up time.  Sis’s block/heat reflecting/privacy wall is finished.  I helped started it but three butts was too much in the small space so I butted out and Vickie and Monte finished it.  It looks great.

BTW, the power washer dislodges very little of the mistletoe.  That makes it much more difficult to clean it up.  We ended up sawing out some parts of the trees that were dead appearing anyway and cleaning up branches and ends that hang in the way.  Then it was drag and stack for a clean-up fire…along with raking up weed/desert grass and needle droppings from the salt cedars and seed pods from the mesquites.  Vickie’s boy Chad and his gal Heather came out from Vegas the night before to stay with mom and they helped immensely.  Of course it was all dusty weeds and branches, but the day was perfect, very little wind and not too hot.  The rest of the mistletoe will require ladder climbing and long sleeved shirts and my heavy yard gloves to remove it from the trees. All in all, it was a very productive day and the property is much more eye appealing.

About 1 p.m. I just ran out of steam.  My system went into a ‘you’re dead and don’t know it yet’ mode.  I took an hour out and went to the coach, sort of fiddled thru the next few hours and survived some minor chores of hauling and raking.  There was a bird’s nest in one of the mesquites, when it came down, a pretty good sized bird – long dead – fell out of it.  UGH!  I placed on the boughs before we started the fire.  I told my sis I had put it there.  She cracked up as she said, “One of the stipulations on the burning code is that you can’t burn animals.”  We burned that damn bird carcass anyway.

The day managed to drag on, it’s almost 7 p.m. right now and feels like it should be 3:30 p.m. tomorrow.

I do wonder if Lady Gaga’s Poker Face will ever fall out of grace with Google when it comes to poker news and updates.  The song is fine, the fact that it takes up about 6 spots on each google news alert for poker is getting lame.  It’s been there for around 6 months I think.  Seriously, can the bitch play poker?

Tomorrow will find me packing and getting ready for the stay in Vegas for the WSOP November Nine play down.  I expect to be married to the computer so look for frequent updates.

4 thoughts on “Who says there are only”

  1. There have many times when I was playing poker poorly, that I thought there was no limit to how many hours those days contained!

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