WPBT – July 8, 06 – Caesar’s Palace

I can’t say enough about the kids that come to join the blogger festivities held in Vegas. They are so much fun, so wonderful, and they act like I’m ‘something’. Pshaw! How come dey do dat, mama? Don’ know but it sure be kewl!

I had spent a wee bit of time trying to make sure Phil Gordon, Howard Lederer, and Michael Craig showed as guest speakers. If Michael Craig hadn’t helped, it would never have happened, I’m sure. But all is well that ends well. The worst of it for me was that I had to announce Michael Craig, nervousness and all, I read my speech as I’m a day sleeper, remember? I couldn’t remember crap at that time of day. But I didn’t get to that until well into being at Caesar’s for an hour trying to get my ‘rewards card’ and then pay for registration to the tournament. A helpful tip, anytime you are going anywhere to play in a tournament, check to see if you have to have one of the casinos ‘rewards card’. If so, get there early. Kee-rist! Just another way for a casino to track everything you do. I had one but had left it at home and couldn’t register until I could show the card so – GET IN LINE!

A little back track, I so appreciated Barry Greenstein coming last year, to speak to us – it’s really difficult to explain how great it is when one of the top pros takes time out of his/her busy schedule and spends a little time with a bunch of fun loving, noisy, hammer playing bloggers. I sent Barry an email to apologize for not inviting him again this year. He responded – and of course I was late with the email. He’s gracious, always welcome, and top of the line in my book.

And back to the speech I gave to intro Michael Craig:


On Christmas Eve, 2003, I received an email from our first speaker. He asked for my help in writing a book about the big game. In my reply, I said NO. Most people would have left it at that. He responded with an email telling me how I should go about marketing myself if I were going to publish a book.

Due to his ‘never say die’ nature, he persisted. We talked, and talked, and talked. We became good friends as we waded through hours of poker stories. Soon he had stories to share with me that I would never have had access to if he hadn’t kept finding a new pathway into the project he so wanted to complete.

He wrote a book that rocked the Poker World – The Professor, the Banker, and the Suicide King. He recently helped set up and sat at the table of the biggest limit poker game in the world. For all of his writing, he is still an enigma. Perhaps you will find a way through his various layers of intellect, humor, and in depth insight into life, as you explore Michael Craig’s Journal, a blog that is coming soon to PokerWorks.Com. In the meantime, please welcome, Michael Craig.

*end intro*

Hell yes, I was nervous. I can sound off at the poker table but as a public speaker, I need practice. Me – microphone and all:


Michael Craig:

Michael Craig

Michael spoke and then introduced Jay Greenspan. Jay wrote a book – HUNTING FISH, A Cross-Country Search for America’s Worst Poker Players. I’m sure it’s a great book and Jay appeared to be quite comfortable with the crowd of bloggers – even as he played the tournament – but that was probably because we were going to be his next book – HUNTING HAMMER PLAYERS. Ladies and Gentlemen, meet Jay:

Jay Greenspan

While – or just before – Jay began speaking, the announcement was made that Bill Rini would be moving through the crowd, collecting the buy in for Phil Gordon’s put a ‘bad beat on cancer’ Roshambo Tournament. I distinctly heard Phil scream out “if you don’t give $20, you’re a pussy!” Cuteā€¦and nicely put.

When Bill approached me, I asked him what the strategy was for playing Roshambo and if Phil had any tips. Bill said it would come out in “Phil’s little orange book.” *LMAO* Bill went on to tell me that Howard couldn’t actually believe he’d agreed to make this time of 10 a.m. But Howard was definitely there. I gave Bill $20 and didn’t even play the tournament. I went off to thank Howard for coming. I ordered WPBT hats and gave one to each, Michael Craig, Howard Lederer, and Phil Gordon, just to show my appreciation for their coming and speaking.

Howard spoke about the legislation that is ongoing to try and stop internet poker play. It was quite interesting – and Howard is very intense in his beliefs which makes it even better.

Howard Lederer

I liked both of these pictures of Michael Craig’s wife – Jo Anne:

Jo Anne

And my favorite medium for a lot of shots – nightshot:

Jo Anne

And of course – I’m out of steam. Post-Poned.