LOA – my ass

Leave of Absence from what? I have barely had a breath to sit down and skulk through a glass of wine or another blog or even think about doing anything besides catching up. Thank God the Time Clock hasn’t been on my menu too. Whe-w-w-w!

I’ve been on the list for another RV park – gotta go as I’m going to be evicted from NV Palace in about four months…as they destroy everything and build a bigger/better casino. So – I got a call from one that I’ve been on the list for – and believe me, if you don’t answer the phone, they go right on by you to the next person. The only time to find permanent space in an RV park in Vegas is during July and August. All the snowbirds leave town due to H-E-A-T! If I don’t have a space locked up by about the end of August, I ain’t going nowhere. I could be living off the street. Or hitting a casino RV space, where they charge you two arms and three legs and you have to pull out every two weeks. *ugh-witz* The thought alone is irritating. If I’m on the road and pulling out, that’s one thing, but pulling out to come back in? Piss off!

So…*ring – ring – ring* “Is this Linda?” Absolutely my space had just opened about a mile down the road. I went over immediately and dished out the dough for a month’s rent. That was on Thursday. I wanted to move on Friday but the WPBT was coming up on Saturday and I had so much work to do with PokerWorks, and a variety of other things, that I didn’t want to be totally dragging ass at the Blogger hay-day at Caesar’s Palace on Saturday – 10 a.m.

In the meantime, I started sorting out the storage unit underneath the coach, and then started sorting out things in the coach. It’s funny, but if I kept up with my ‘tidy bowl chores’, moving is very simple. I lined all my shelves with the little spongie thingies that represent shelf liner. It’s wonderful, put it on the countertops underneath glass and whatever I don’t want to move, nothing budges when I travel. I got ready to go. The Blogger Tournament post is coming after this one, but this is it for now. I moved on Sunday a.m. D-A-A-Y-A-AM! I’m getting pretty good at this stuff. I have the pattern down now and didn’t knock a hole in my skull or anything, or bump an elbow or shoulder, since I pulled the stabilizing jacks from under the slides and pulled the slides in first. Amazing how a few sessions of bump and ‘PAIN’ help you learn a lesson.

I was on the road, out of NV Palace by 6:30 a.m. And pulling through the new RV park to my space by about 6:45. Not to worry, on my first attempt at pulling into my space, I was way off kelter and tried backing out of it. Bah humbug! I ended up pulling completely out of it and coming around the park again. The 2nd time, I was in much better alignment and even managed to back up and straighten out a bit. I’ve had very little practice backing this baby up and right now it’s frustrating as hell. But I’m a survivor. I’ll make it work…GET A BIGGER HAMMER!

I’m in my new space, it’s much nicer, all pavement and no need to level side to side, with space beside the coach to park the Steed, and room for a visitor to park. The neat part of it is the back of my neighbors coach faces my door, with a few Italian pines, or whatever the hell they are called, between them and me. This way I don’t have to fade them and they don’t have to fade me if I set up a BBQ out front. Much nicer. And in general it’s just a much nicer park, they don’t allow run-down rigs here, and the overall appearance and cleanliness is much better. Of course they expect the rent when it’s due….

On the agenda this week, go to Steinberg Diagnostic and pick up CT results for a Dr.’s appt. and head to Wheeler RV on Thursday A.M. to have the jacks finally replaced. There’s a lot more to that nightmare that I haven’t even posted about and don’t want to go into now or maybe even in the future. I’m seriously beginning to believe that all RV sales and service reps are flakes. And after I unhitched today and started to ‘extend’ for a little level up, the jack on the left hand side started doing, *chatter-click-chatter-click* think. And didn’t move. I told my son he needed to be here late Wednesday afternoon to help me in case we needed to do the ‘2X4 and bottle jack’ thingie to hitch up the coach. Ugh! Won’t it be wonderful to hear me quit bitching about this here? Jeez, just think how wonderful for me it will not to have to bitch about it.

Once I get through some of this CRAP, I’m off to Poker Land USA, at the Rio. And while I’m talking the Rio and the WSOP – let me leave you with this – a chat I had with a friend that was hired to deal the WSOP but has never even made it into the box because they w-a-a-a-y over hired and are still weeding through the dealers. Off to the chat:

[16:31] lrgeenen: playing any satellites for the WSOP
[16:31] lrgeenen: or events?
[16:31] lrgeenen: or have they called you to deal?
[16:31] knownbutunnamed: no, still hoping I will get to deal, although right now I’m also tempted to fire-bomb the whole damn place
[16:32] lrgeenen: get this
[16:32] lrgeenen: A friend has dealt about 6 days, with days off but maybe six total
[16:32] lrgeenen: and she was hired to be full time.
[16:32] lrgeenen: the dc as she called him
[16:32] knownbutunnamed: yikes
[16:32] lrgeenen: told them in a meeting that if the box was short, it would come out of their pay checks
[16:33] lrgeenen: and that if it was short a few $$, the experienced dealers knew how to make it up.
[16:33] lrgeenen: they are supposed to steal it from the pots.
[16:33] lrgeenen: not take it out of the rake.
[16:33] knownbutunnamed: !?!?!
[16:33] lrgeenen: and a few days ago
[16:33] lrgeenen: another dc said the same thing.
[16:33] knownbutunnamed: …there are SO many things being screwed up over there
[16:33] lrgeenen: She’s trying to find someone to report that to without being fired.
[16:34] lrgeenen: I wonder if the box is over, if it’s added to their paycheck?
[16:34] knownbutunnamed: lol, right
[16:34] lrgeenen: I’m sure that was never talked about.
[16:34] knownbutunnamed: well, the other day I finally emailed one of the guys in charge of the hiring b/c I was frustrated with not hearing anything
[16:34] lrgeenen: any news back?
[16:36] knownbutunnamed: yeah, apparently they’re still having these “dealer training sessions” every morning from 9-10:30, and only the reserves who attend them the most are getting picked up; and since I’ve already missed the first week and half of them, even if I start going now I’ll still be “in line behind” all the other goombah’s who’ve been there every day
[16:36] knownbutunnamed: apparently still, experience, and ability are not relevant
[16:36] lrgeenen: that’s freaking incredible.
[16:37] knownbutunnamed: I went yesterday and it was one of the most frustrating things I’ve done in ages
[16:37] knownbutunnamed: the dealers there almost all sucked, and some of the things the guys running it were telling them to do were flat out wrong
[16:37] lrgeenen: It’s the reason I understand why players actually dislike and don’t trust dealers.
[16:38] knownbutunnamed: “call all pairs, possible straights, and possible flushes in stud regardless of limit or cash/tourney”
[16:38] knownbutunnamed: “never call pairs in stud hi/lo”
[16:38] lrgeenen: OMG!
[16:38] lrgeenen: That’s totally amazing.
[16:38] lrgeenen: what a bunch of idiots.
[16:38] knownbutunnamed: and for 2-7, when you have more than 6 players seated, they wanted the stupidest thing ever
[16:39] knownbutunnamed: instead of giving buttons to and dealing out the first 2 (or however many) players AFTER THE BIG BLIND, they wanted you to deal out players between the button and the small blind
[16:39] lrgeenen: that’s unbelievable.
[16:39] lrgeenen: I’m surprised that the players aren’t screaming about it.
[16:40] lrgeenen: I was there last night, taking pictures
[16:40] lrgeenen: and saw Arturo, Chris Fargis, and all of those guys playing
[16:40] lrgeenen: wonder how they are putting up with it.
[16:40] knownbutunnamed: I wanted to ask him what happens if they move from omaha to 2-7 in a mixed game, and if two players get to effectively skip the blinds, but I didn’t think about that until after I left
[16:40] lrgeenen: good point.
[16:40] knownbutunnamed: I’m 90% sure they players are telling the dealers to do it the right way, the dealers are complying, and the floor just has no idea
[16:40] lrgeenen: scary.

The End - Samalee