Tag Archives: sunsets

One of us is in a slump

Obviously that would be me since this is my page and it’s always going to accept my whining and crying — or jubilant shouts of triumph — and some days it may even roll serenely along if I’m just mellowing out and can’t find any sharp corners or screamers to complain about.  Yuppers, I have all of those mood swings trapped inside…best not to wake sleeping dogs sometimes.

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Crazy Daze at home

Spending your time out in the sticks would appear to be one of relatively quiet days with nothing but the wind  going on and the quail and doves chirping at each other as they try to kick the others ass off of the bird block.  The birds are squabbling with each other but there’s  always more going on than that.   I went out to throw garbage in the can and smelled propane a week ago.  Yummy! That’s a smell that makes you want to go somewhere else for a lot of reasons. Continue reading Crazy Daze at home