Category Archives: Dear Diary


That’s how it feels.  I’ve managed to accomplish a lot but it still feels like the stack keeps getting bigger and the small bits and pieces hacked off the sides and edges never diminish it much.  Ah, yes…the rambler.  That’s me.  It’s hard to lead a topic in a certain direction when I don’t even know what the topic is…how could I possibly know the direction then. Continue reading Crawling

Grinding at life

It is a grind. I was thinking about the parallel to poker. If you play the game the way you’re supposed to play it, it isn’t any fun — or so the saying goes when you’re playing poker. I wonder… Life is pretty much a grind but if you play it the way you’re supposed to play it, you end up with a lot less bruises and dings in your body, character, and finances. Unfortunately for most of us, when it comes to life, we have to jump off the cliff and flirt with disaster as our parachute manages to shred on the edge of those damned pointy rocks on the way down. Continue reading Grinding at life

Lunch with a few of the besties

Friday was a trip into Vegas for a visit to the DMV, lunch with a few of my favorite people, and then off to Riot’s school to take him home with me for the weekend.  How could I forget to take my camera when we were going to meet for lunch – some of the old Pan Game crew. I didn’t take it though.  When the resident ‘take-your-photo-free’ person came around, Mark AKA Kram, jumped right on it.  It was fun, and funny, you would have had to be there to appreciate all of it. Continue reading Lunch with a few of the besties

Weekends past

I hesitate to write about some things due to the fact that my penning could be read by some parties that could affect the lives of the little people I know.  Nah…I never hesitate to write anything about some of the big people I know if I feel the need to put it down in my own little slice of personal history — Table Tango.  But when it comes to the little people, they are at the mercy of the ‘parentals’ and can’t escape. Continue reading Weekends past

Rolling, rolling, rolling…

I hit Vegas on Wednesday, thinking my tax appointment was for that day at 2 p.m. and I had my day planned around it.  Luckily, I happened to go back and check, one more time, because for some reason age has dimmed…just about everything when it comes to times, appointments, where did I put this or that so I’d remember exactly where it was when I wanted it — yeah…right! When I checked back, I realized it was for Thursday, the next day but my plans were set for other things, like picking up my jeep. Continue reading Rolling, rolling, rolling…

Maybe this is only funny to me

I started searching through emails and blog posts and, and, and, looking for follow-up info on my continuation of The View from the Box with Andy Beal as the spotlight.  I got stuck reading old posts and just shaking my head at the insanity and noise and confusion that abounds in a high limit poker room almost 24/7, only dropping off a bit on graveyard unless there’s a major tournament going on.

Continue reading Maybe this is only funny to me

Damn trumpet vines and a little glitch

Trumpet vines! Those plants are designed to survive, try digging them out and if you leave any piece of root, they grow out again. You can’t break them off and damage the vine enough to kill it.  If they drop a seed pod near anything you want to keep, they grow right into the roots of the plant you want and make it almost impossible to get them out.  Continue reading Damn trumpet vines and a little glitch

One of us is in a slump

Obviously that would be me since this is my page and it’s always going to accept my whining and crying — or jubilant shouts of triumph — and some days it may even roll serenely along if I’m just mellowing out and can’t find any sharp corners or screamers to complain about.  Yuppers, I have all of those mood swings trapped inside…best not to wake sleeping dogs sometimes.

Continue reading One of us is in a slump