Those would be the times that you go on a don’t-feel-good runner for a few days and no matter how much you sleep or try to find a clear thought to steer through the day, it just isn’t going to happen. That’s where I am right now. I can’t wake up. Nothing in the way of food or drink sounds inviting. UGH! Continue reading The impossible days
Monthly Archives: July 2014
Send the SandWoman
The trip into Vegas was…that’s about it. The day was just plain hot, the Dr. visit was enlightening but not any fun — nothing serious, just not fun. Riot went home to momparental for a week and the house is unusually quiet.
Sin City trip for tomorrow
Tomorrow is one of those days that leaves me wishing it was over already. Although years ago I decided not to wish my life away, there are some days that one should be able to just skip through in a few minutes at light speed and simply retain the best moments of it for later reflection.
The rewind
Since I have missed so many opportunities to post on Tango (weeks at a time go by without my insanity gracing these pages) there are a few back issues that need mentioning. Continue reading The rewind
Murphy’s Law Strikes – Again and again and again UPDATED
I started out yester-eve to put up a post with pictures. Not to worry, the almighty god of computers did an update — a critical update — and now I can’t access anything on my Sony memory sticks that worked just fine until the update. Frustrated? Hell yes! Continue reading Murphy’s Law Strikes – Again and again and again UPDATED
Off and running to nowhere
I have made a mini-resolution, one that I hope I can commit to and keep going. I’m going to try (I know, try never did anything) and post every day for 30 days. If I fail, it won’t be any different than it is now. If I succeed, I may make it a habit and simply stay with it. Since my blog is personal and not always poker oriented, it is not recommended for those of you who are strictly cruising for poker content. ’nuff said.
Crawling along
Hello Wednesday. That used to be hump day. But that was when everyone I associated with worked M-F. See…that’s the best part of life, when you move on to a new chapter or new place, your reality changes to match what’s going on at the present time.
The end of a journey – UPDATE
Chad Brown.
Chad is on the last leg of his journey through this life. I didn’t know him well. I dealt to him periodically over the years and he was always a gentleman and there to play poker without all the drama and tension that some players create. Continue reading The end of a journey – UPDATE