My son Dan and I headed for Ash Meadows Preserve on Monday with the Point of Rocks as our destination — I was there with Riot in February of 2009. We were going to look at the blue pup fish that are an endangered species. Not to worry, the government shutting down also shutdown most of the roads that would normally allow access to the Point of Rocks and Crystal Reservoir marsh lands and a few other places.
Monthly Archives: October 2013
It’s almost midnight
I don’t have any oil to burn. I’ll just rough it until I run out of steam and then I’ll go crawl into my comfy little bed and wait for the Sandwoman to gently carry me off to the land of sleep and nod. Continue reading It’s almost midnight
Sundays are…
the day to play online poker if you can get in a game without having the feds close it down before you can cash out. Of course that doesn’t apply to the rest of the world, just those of us that live in the land of the free (major sarcastic rip intended there).
Two Week Update
The last few days are ‘firsts’ in terms of brain activity related to work duties. Mostly I’ve been in a daze of feel good for a bit, do a few things, eat, feel like shit, exhausted, need a nap, can’t think about anything with a focus on detail, and NOW? Who knows! I am much better though. Continue reading Two Week Update