It’s almost midnight

I don’t have any oil to burn. I’ll just rough it until I run out of steam and then I’ll go crawl into my comfy little bed and wait for the Sandwoman to gently carry me off to the land of sleep and nod.

Winter is here; snow hit the mountains last night, a very soft rain shared its cold moisture with us for about 13 hours, and the air feels like fall didn’t bother stopping, it went south.

My next post is up in the new series – The View from the Box – So ya wanna be a dealer! I have a request in for comments to be enabled – never sure if that will happen or how long it will take but I’m still interested in contributors…dealers come on down!  info(at)


Check this out: “ESPNLA 710 is giving YOU a chance to WIN $3,000 and more! Just text POKER to 40705 (message & data rates apply) to win a FREE seat in the ESPNLA Poker Tournament at Commerce Hotel & Casino on Saturday, November 2 at 12:30 p.m.! ” Find out about it here.


On the health side, yesterday marked three weeks since surgery.  Kicking a little higher every day and wishing the last of the ugly scabs/dermabond decorations on my abdomen/side would just sluff off and go away.  I’m impatient now, three weeks is long enough. I still have a few twinges and blasts of pain out of nowhere but feeling much, much better every day.


A month ago I was heading out of Vegas on Windmill which turns into Blue Diamond which is Highway 160.  It was about 4 pm and traffic was slamming when I hit a red light at the junction of 15 and Blue Diamond.  I was in the center lane, stopped with 2 vehicles in front of me when two guys on motorcycles drove between the cars to get to the light ahead of traffic.

This always irritates the hell out of me, it’s not a lane, it’s a frigging line that separates lanes.

The first one was a true maniac. He didn’t find the brake until he was at the line right at the entrance to the intersection and the light was still red.  He hit the front brake too hard and the back of the bike popped up in the air, almost sending him ass-over-heels into the intersection.  He did get stopped though, but not before my heart jumped into my throat.

When the light changed, we were off and running to the next light but Maniac-face must’ve thought he was auditioning for some sporting event that would be televised on ESPN, because he stood up on his bike.  Yuppers, stood up, arms extended out to the side, and rode the bike about 100 yards just like that — with cars screaming by in the lanes beside him and running in front of him and behind him.

I can’t tell you what jumped into my throat at the point (he was still two cards ahead of me and in my lane) but I couldn’t believe this prick would not only jeopardize his life, but the lives of all the people around him too.

Nope, he didn’t wreck, he sat back down and took off through the traffic with his friend behind him.  If I could have gotten his license plate or any identifying evidence, I would’ve called him in.

I don’t think you could bluff that guy in a poker game.

And on that note, I’m out for the night.



4 thoughts on “It’s almost midnight”

  1. Sticky cards.
    The story brought back memories pre-high school and H.S. of cheap cards, baby powder and spilled sweet drinks.
    I can still smell the baby powder (which aggravated the sticky cards, the cheap ones).

  2. TM, I tried baby powder – on a couple of recommendations – on Kem cards. It’s el-crapola. Kem and Copaq can be washed and dried and behave just like they’re new…drying is essential or they warp…but when you’re hands are filled with a deck and you’re new to the game, I don’t think there is a fix.
    The sweet drinks has me chuckling. I’ll have to write about a game and drinking in the Stockman’s Bar with the college crowd…I was looking for a snorkel by the time those boys finished up for the night.

  3. TM, The whole scene makes me laugh sometimes. Some of it was hard, some of it was fun – and funny. Diptards is one of my favorites for the people that just can’t figure it out…dip them in shit and roll them in tards. I’m weird. Thanks for commenting.

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