No slowing down

Tuesday was a day.  It started early, it ended sometime after I could barely think and was wishing I had a giant brownie to put me to sleep for the night.  Body pain, exhaustion, more body pain, throw in a few brain twist highballs and that’s it pretty much in a nutshell.

There was a bit more to it than that.  I hit the big city of Pahrump to visit the bank and take out some cash…naw…never have any on me anymore since I quit dealing, rarely even $5-$10 on me.  Then it was off to put gas in a can for the trencher fill-up before returning it to the rental place, and a stop at Home Depot to buy a cull 1×6 for the base of my new mail box, and then to the rental place to wait for my son to pick up the trencher.  Oh yeah, a few hours before that Mr. K was delivering dump truck loads of gravel in my front yard and beside the house.

I purchase a used shed from a foreclosed property out here and needed a #2 gravel pad to set it on.  That’s how it’s done in the valley with the silt quicksand soil.  Dan was busy leveling and laying out the shed pad while I was in town waiting for 2nd son to show.  So far, it all went off without a hitch.  Trencher picked up, out at the property and laying out the trench line – discussing where the water line runs to the house would be laid from the pump, and taking into consideration the power line that had to be missed with the trenching too.  The trenching started and Bill showed up.  Bill was there to do the wire from the trenching project to hook up the pump and the electric pedestal.  Too much activity for me to fathom all at once so I grabbed my shovel and Bill and I dug down to find the water line depth coming from the well – I had already hand dug by the power pedestal the day before.

The gravel was all delivered before noon, four loads of it, which was about two more than I needed for the shed pad but the excess was dumped in the middle of the front yard.  The front yard has a big bowl effect and looked like I was trying to compete with Bellagio’s lake when the 5 day rain hit about a month ago.  It’s also got big ruts in it where the retards that lived here before the last retards pulled right into the bowl after a 3 day rain and got stuck.  I let them spin and slide and race the engine for about an hour and a half before I opted to go pull them out with a chain and the Steed…the ruts are still there.

The trenching job was completed, the gravel pad was laid, Bill hooked everything up, I had water – double YIPPEES – and son #2 raked the silt back into the trenching ditch to cover the wire, cleaned up the trencher and headed back out to the rental shop and then off to Vegas.  How Dan had the energy to even breathe I had no idea.  He’d been out moving gravel and working since about 7ish and it was 1 pm before he even slowed down.

I called about the shed delivery, got questioned about how it was setting in comparison to the road, was the door opening to the front, etc.  All of that out of the way, it would be about an hour and a half to two hours before the shed came.  A light bulb blew up somewhere!  SHIT!  The way I had the shed/pad set up wasn’t going to work.  I grabbed Dan and unfortunately all of the excess gravel was now in the middle of the yard and not by the existing pad – about 30 feet away.  He didn’t complain or whenge, we got the shovels and the wheelbarrow and went back out to move more gravel over to the existing pad to fit the direction the shed would be turned.  It took about an hour and a lot of gravel moving to finally complete the project.  Then we waited.

I got a call from the shed guy and he had two guys with him but he needed a little help from Dan too.  OMG!  Off we went to load the shed from the property.  It was interesting, kind of scary to me but they have a system down and it works.  We had the shed loaded and on the pad within an hour after that.  The shed needs a little work but it’s in great shape, put together well and even matches the color of my house.  SWEET!

We were both ready to just go some where and disappear into a hole when it was all over.  I was so miserable I slept poorly to go with it all.  Whining! I played the Daily Dollar on Full Tilt and managed to run A-K into A-K all-in.  Problem was he was suited and flopped one club, it came runner-runner and he picked up a really nice stack and I was out.  *sniff*

Wednesday was a semi…sorta…take it easier day.  But there’s still so much to do here, Dan is doing all of the little pain in the tush, have to be done type of things like fixing my fence and tearing out fence posts that crossed the property in the wrong places, brush clean-up, cleaning the floors of the shed to be primed and painted, fixing door locks, and a zillion other projects.  I got a few things done and played the Daily Dollar again.  This time I ran Aces with a nice sized stack into K-K and Q-J off all-in.  The kings had us covered and took all the chips when 5 spades came on the board and alas…I had none but the trusty kings had one.

Thursday was off to Vegas to pick up prescriptions and a few things from the old digs for Dan, and a coupla miscellaneous things. I don’t know why but it always seems exhausting to drive in and out and run around in Vegas. We stopped at the RV Superstore on the way out of Pahrump and I spent about 45 minutes talking to Gary about placing the coach on consignment with them.  So be it, tomorrow will be spent taking the skirting off and getting it ready for the trip, it will be placed with them on Monday.  Here’s crossing my fingers and toes that someone will fall in love with it and pick it up at a price that gives me a few extra pennies out of the deal…that would never even put me close to my investment but I’d really be happy with a few extras.

I made it back from Vegas in time to play the Daily Dollar again and this time A-J of hearts took all of my stack when I went all-in with q-q.  I played that one badly.  I should’ve just check folded the turn.  *sigh*

Big Tony the great turtle is being stubborn about coming up out of the water to bask.  Even though he has rocks and a fake log set up and a light to warm his reptilian shell and heart, he won’t do it.  I lowered his water temperature to entice him to the heat and the log, still he stubbornly refuses to budge from the water.  He occasionally climbs up on the log and after a moment goes right back to the water.  From what I read, if they don’t get out of the water and completely dry out, they suffer shell rot.  So today a water pump was placed in his tank, he has no more water to cruise around in, and will be forced to wait an hour or two before I put water back in his tank.  He’s bonking and stomping around now.  His shell is hellerly noisy when he comes up against the glass.  This will probably be a daily thing for awhile.  Anyone out there want a Red Eared Slider?  Come on now…

On the Riot front, Momparental has gone bonkerville and wouldn’t not let Dadparental have Riot yesterday – even though according to the custody papers it’s Dadparental’s time to have him for the next three days.  The cops were called, it’s all a pain, a strain, a mess, and serves no purpose.  More paperwork will be filed, more court appearances will be made and Momparental will never get what she wants out of it anyway.  You’re asking what that might be I’m sure.  The long and short of it is CONTROL.  Dadparental is supposed to jump to, answer text messages from her and talk to her on the phone at her whim, he doesn’t, she can’t deal with it.  Seems trivial and stupid doesn’t it?  You were together, you have a child, you break up, someone can’t stand you, just move on…move on…move on.  Some people just don’t get it.  Of course I get texts from Momparental concerning the whole thing.  I did not answer.  When I left a husband or a boyfriend, I never bugged their mom about any of it.  WTF is wrong with people these days?

On to the future I say.  Let’s play poker.  I’ll be in the Daily Dollar again today just swinging at it and hoping I catch some hands that hold up.  Laters.

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