I’m listening to it now Andrew, you guys are funny, in a twisted sort of way.


I’m stuck in the poker quagmire of quicksand hell.  I played the SCOOP 8 game, painful to say the least.  I did last to almost the $ but couldn’t complete a Deuce to 7 draw three different times when the limit was $800-1600.  I did manage to make a 6 high straight 3 different times in this tourney by catching a 3 or 4 for an inside gut straight…Kee-Rist!  I went out in the limit holdem round on the last act of defiance.  I had a little over $3K left and slammed the last of my chips in a raised pot – until I was all-in preflop on the button – with 10-9D.  I was up against A-A.  Oh well!

Another tragic tournament attempt was the $33 6-max:  I had Q-Q and ran into A-K.  He hit twice.  Flashbacks start of the last two times I picked up A-K in other tourneys and hit an Ace or King and my opponent had Queens and hit for a set – is that just a mind game that makes you wonder why you can’t get Queens to hold up but someone else can? I’ve found a lot of my big holdings – Kings, Queens – manage to get outflopped by one lone Ace, the only over card in my opponent’s hand gets there.  I have the drugs in my hand and a glass of water…I’ll be OK in a minute.


My little vines are planted, I’m hauling more wheelbarrow loads of gravel along the new block wall and as ground support around the vines (don’t need a sinkhole starting in the silt in a good rain storm), and testing a way to give the vines support up the wall as they grow.  They are about 2 feet from the wall due to the foundation.

There’s a lot of debris that needs to be cleaned up on the property overall – that wind does amazing things – and the yard project goes on.


Tonight is The Winery date with Greg and Amy – I’m really looking forward to it.


Tomorrow will prove to be a very busy day with the drive into Vegas and the plan to pick up a lot of my tools and items that have been at the old digs.  And Riot’s coming home with me.  Whoot!  Riot’s always a good time.  Maybe he will “catch that rabbit” someday!


Yes, Andrew, still listening.  I’ve chuckled more than once.  Thanks for the entertainment.

2 thoughts on “”

  1. Strong winds are arguably the most persistent and provoking weather hazard experienced in the area. Winds over 50 mph are infrequent but can occur with some of the more vigorous storms. Winter and spring wind events often generate widespread areas of blowing dust and sand. Strong wind episodes in the summertime are usually connected with thunderstorms, and are thus more isolated and localized. Prevailing wind direction is typically southwest, unless associated with a thunderstorm outflow. (From the Tour Guide)

    So, if the new wall doesn’t keep the winds from blowing, I’m assuming the wall is built North/South on an East or West property line. Just thought I’d say, you know.

    Thanks for dropping by.

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