It’s almost poker time

In 10 minutes I’ll see if I can wade through 10,000 or so people and move on to Milllion Dollar Men Final & Main Event Qualifier.  No small task, but it’s only a mouse click here and there.

Every time Riot comes out, he tells me he’s going to catch “those rabbits!” and I wish he would.  I planted 7 clumps of Pampas Grass (from Star Nursery) and they looked so happy, for the last two weeks, with their short heads of dark green grass perking up and waving in the wind.  Now they look like they got sheared by a crazy grass butcher.  Shit!  Off to Home Depot to buy chicken wire and a few tools to rig a cage around the grass, and putting those up took the better part of some hours…not to mention wire scratches and sticks.  Damn rabbits!

One of the good parts of the trip to Home Depot was coming home to find the Moon slowly moving off to light the other side of the world.  It was 9 a.m.


Tomorrow is PokerWorks Family H.O.R.S.E. – make sure you come and play with us.  We want you there, get in the game DAMN IT!