Piece of Cake – stabbed by the damn fork

I have most of everything back in working order. How wonderful! From chaos and possible death thoughts (for the computer, thinking the final straw would be for it to kill itself and deprive me of the pleasure of stomping it into the pavement after I dropped kicked it through the door of the coach out onto the pavement), all’s well in Linda’s multi-tasking world.

I’m totally impressed with MozBackup. I use Thunderbird for my email program (Ken P. suggested it over a year ago and I took his advice) MosBackup is so simple – hit a button to back up, hit a button to restore, and BOOM! Everything returns as it was the day you backed it up. Now that I’ve finished mopping up and have resolved the folly of my ways, this is my last computer issue post for awhile.

*Grabs throat* Kee-rist! I have an issue. I had backed up all of my pictures to an external drive. This pc has two drives. I moved the pictures (guess I moved them – thought I was copying them to???) the secondary drive on this pc. I’m not sure how this can be but most of them copied, except for August. *sniff – sob – breaks out a window* All of my family reunion pictures were in the August folder. The strangest part of it is that I had a folder in ‘August’ that had my son’s pictures (taken with his camera and moved into my pc from his memory stick) and his folder is there, intact, with all of his pictures, inside the ‘August’ folder. All of my folders that were in ‘August’ are gone. And they are no longer on the external drive. Go figure! Got a solution for that Ken P.?
I had also purchased a hybridrive from acomdata and had backed up all of my files to it. Somehow the restore command became f-cked up because I set up an additional folder name (they don’t really tell you how to do anything in the instructions) so it’s possible that all of my pictures are on that drive. I can see the data files but I can’t access them. I spoke with acomdata tech support today and they had me mail them an .ISB file. They feel they may be able to reset it and it will tell the drive where to look for the back up. Oh my…oh my… I hope so.

I’ve resolved myself to the fact that the pictures just may be lost but I hate every damn second of that resolving. In the meantime, I’m giving up and moving on. Next post will be something about life, not Machines that make me insane.