Friday, May 13, 2005

Supposing the 12th of Never really did show up…oh…never mind, it’s another Friday the 13th. I have plans for this day. Soon it will be sleepy time. My alarm clock will go off at 3 p.m. I will arise, wiping the sand from my eyes, race in to build my wonderfully, aromatic, incredibly taste bud tantalizing coffee, and check all the spam that floats into my ‘inbox’, sifting through the tangle looking for a few good words from a few good people as I sip.

Vivienne will show up at a predetermined time to go through a range of body torture led by me…in other words light weight lifting and aerobics. We will try to convince ourselves that exercise and diet are the foundation for a healthy life – easy for me to say, I’m on my second glass of wine and these are hellerly big glasses – as we visit and drive ourselves into a frenzy of dance and motion.

Then it will be shower time, race off to work, and scurry to sign the E/O list…hey, it’s Friday. I may sign the Play List too.

I’ve played on the last two Fridays. I crashed and burned in the Green Felt Wars two weeks ago and won last week. Last week was a lot more fun and I had to jockey around several games to get where it was more fun. I dealt the first few hours of my shift and then got out to play…no E/O on the horizon though, even though I was number 1 on the play and the E/O. We are always short of dealers. And ain’t that the sign o’ the times?

While I was dealing, I met the ‘Flor-idiots’. That’s people that aren’t born and raised in Florida – they move there. At first I thought Tracy said, “There are people here from Texas and there are four idiots.”

Tracy was a real kick. I managed to transfer to his game after several transfers through other games in my quest for a game where people were having fun and still putting chips in the pot.

So when I hit the room tonight, if I can’t E/O in the first few hours but get out to play, that’s the kind of game I’ll be looking for. I don’t want to play poker with someone that can’t take a beat and their life depends on a win or a loss – if that’s the case, get the hell out of the poker room and do something else. Leave us kids alone that want to play poker.

I have a few tales from the Dealer’s Box over the last five days but I’m really not in the mood or ready to dive into that side of it and since this is about me and where I’m at…patience, my friend. I’ll get there. It just ain’t going to happen today.

I have a hike planned to ‘the cave’ on Saturday a.m. with my hiking buds. It’s the largest cave in S. Nevada and sits in the side of a canyon wall across from Red Rock Canyon.

Then it’s Big Deuce and Pan time with my buds at my house Saturday night.

And last but close to the best part of it, one of my young friends, Chad, has invited me to dinner on Sunday night. While dinner may seem normal and ordinary, this young man has invited me to meet his family at dinner. That’s huge. When a friend wants you to meet their family, you/me…have achieved the ultimate in friendships.

My definition of immortality…held in the thought and heart of another person. I’m there!