Category Archives: Dear Diary

All things considered

I survived yesterday. At different points I was wondering if I would. The literal sugar coma and exhaustion thingy. Hate it! Managed to head out at 5:30 AMish for my desert hike with Scout. Summer is on the downswing, even though it’s exceptionally warm tonight and it’s 10PM – she said with absolute knowledge. A few weeks ago the sky was beginning to lighten at 4:30, now it’s still dark until after 5.
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Off and running to nowhere

I have made a mini-resolution, one that I hope I can commit to and keep going.  I’m going to try (I know, try never did anything) and post every day for 30 days.  If I fail, it won’t be any different than it is now.  If I succeed, I may make it a habit and simply stay with it.  Since my blog is personal and not always poker oriented, it is not recommended for those of you who are strictly cruising for poker content.  ’nuff said.

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