The process is supposed to start tonight – at 00:00 GMT I believe. Look for a new face and arrangement. Table Tango may look exactly the same as before…or not. I’ll get back to you…or you get back to me.
Category Archives: Dear Diary
Years ago if someone had said the word “Change” in my presence I would have thought they wanted my pocket change. I would never have moved it forward, thinking in terms of past and present into future. Now change is always present. There is no getting comfortable, no feeling of slipping on comfy duds and falling back to reflect a day of work. There’s no way to be comfortable. Every move is countered, every attempt is blocked. Continue reading Change
Poker’s Ugly Side
So here we have the wonder boy Chino Rheem. Running on the fame of the November Nine in 2008 in which he finished 7th, he’s won other tournaments and without going on a Google crusade to list them here, just suffice it to say that with money management, even if he required a few backers due to running bad, life should have been very good for a full time poker player. But nope, when things are going great we seem to find a way to fuck it up. That’s the only way to express where he’s at right now, he’s in the crap heap at the bottom of the pile. Even if he pulls out of this, it will be years before anyone is comfortable when they see him or hear his name. Continue reading Poker’s Ugly Side
Just thinking
Sometimes I try to find a way to fit everything I’d ever done/dealt/played/felt/heard/read/experienced/wrote about poker into a cubicle or container that I could compress down like ‘the cube’ in Transformers just so I could open it up when I want to and forget about it the rest of the time. Not possible. Continue reading Just thinking
The funky rut
I’ve been trying to fade climbing out of a rut that started about a week ago. I’m stuck. Years ago I heard ‘the only difference between a rut and a grave is the depth’ and did they ever hit it on the head or what? Things have changed and with it I must change, it gets much harder as you get older. Yeah, that’s only my opinion. But I do remember younger days where I just breezed past things because I knew tomorrow would be a better day. Perhaps that’s what aging does for us…makes us realize that we don’t have nearly as many tomorrows left as we did back then…and that no matter how hard we try to accomplish, it sometimes just isn’t enough. Continue reading The funky rut
No need to explain
why I haven’t been here. I just haven’t. The point is I’m here now. And yes, I’m still trying to figure out what makes what tick – then perhaps I will know the answer to me. I’m caught in a jumble of confusion. Perhaps it stems from childhood issues of spending my life chumming the highways and byways of the western United States as my mom vacuum sealed eight of us kids into the back seat of a car and spent her days chasing her man as he continually moved from one place to another. Yeah, her man was my dad – and the rest of my back seat buddies that probably hated to be next to my whiny ass because I was always car sick. Continue reading No need to explain
The Moon is out
It’s a very beautiful night in the desert. Last year around this time, it was at least 115 degrees during the day and cooling off to about 114 at night. The land of shake and bake (the wind does the shaking, the sun does the rest) has been through some strange times this year. It’s weird, it’s unusual, but it’s actually cool at times. No complaints! Continue reading The Moon is out
4th of July
Celebrating Independence Day in America! NOT! I’m sorry to report that we are under the control of idiots that want to keep us nailed down in our little section of morality. But other than that, Happy 4th of July America! Continue reading 4th of July
Life in the desert
Anywhere you are, no matter what you’re doing, could be classified as life in the desert. I’m really in the desert. No, there are no sandy sloping dunes running off in different directions, but there are lots of mesquites, creosote bushes, cacti, and a variety of other things that always seem to pierce your skin or stick in your sock if you aren’t careful. I’ve given up feeling like I should mingle with man/womankind and in that sense my social life is a desert but I’m OK with that. Continue reading Life in the desert
Everything’s running at full speed, I’m in reverse
Man, I can’t catch up! I feel like I’m stranded on the dark side of Nowhere and the faster I try to run to daylight, the bigger Nowhere becomes. I had Riot out here for a few days. What a hoot. We took Scouty to the vet on Friday a.m. She’d been digging at one ear. The diagnosis was probably Foxtails. Check out the dried out ones in the middle picture. Continue reading Everything’s running at full speed, I’m in reverse