Cold here in the desert

I’m headed to Las Vegas in the next few hours to do a follow-up with my surgeon after going back to the hospital for a coupla days.  That may not make sense.  I was actually scheduled for a 3-month checkup after having my pal Foley removed almost two weeks ago. But when I checked into ER and an abdominal hematoma was discovered, I spent 2 days in the hospital undergoing more tests, blah, blah, blah. This follow-up is a follow-up to that.

That brings me to the ‘cold’ here in the desert.  It’s almost 6AM and chilly/freezing IMHO but I’m a coldy-cat.  The temps drop to around 60 and I’m cold.  Problems with the heater in my rig means I’m bundling up for the trip in, crossing ‘the hump’ usually finds the temps down to freezing this time of year.  Wouldn’t want to freeze my grannie-tush off.

The upside is I get to have lunch with Marie, she has returned from Iowa, my super pal Sylvia Hart, and forever friend, Carole Long.  By the time I finish up with that, it will be warm coming back over the hump.

Long-time-no-see my little buddy Riot.  Momparental has a stick so far up her butt that a surgeon couldn’t remove it.  Guess she’s protecting him from me — that is, of course, after he spent the entire summer with me for the last two years, spring breaks, and Christmas vacation, and most weekends if I drove in to get him.  But not now.  I made the mistake of texting him “Call me about this weekend” to which she sent a text informing that he was 10 – NO SHIT? – and that all plans to do with his time had to be arranged by her and his dad.  My response to that is back a few posts ago.

I so wish she’d meet a great guy that could handle her bipolar modes, get laid 10 times a day, get a smile, learn how to laugh, and just get on with her life instead of trying to control everyone through their love for Riot.

Thanksgiving is almost here.  I’ll spend my time with some of my family over at sis’s place where she’ll lay on a massive feed (like she always does) and enjoy the time I have with the people I love.  I wish the same for all of you.


Have a great day!