YES! I made it back…

My effort to get my tush into the chair to keep the ink (virtual) flowing here has been a travesty during the month of September.  I do know ‘trying’ never did anything, I can remember hearing that a zillion or so times as a youngster.  I’m working on it though…really…no…really!

Sometimes life just gets the better part of my brain all frazzled and twisted and I can’t shake out the cobwebs long enough to define a clear, straight line to what I need to do. Wish I could say it was good drugs, but it isn’t. There’s always something going on that needs to be taken care of.

I had an appointment with a surgeon (discussion) for yesterday, they called and rescheduled it – almost two weeks away now.  Poop!  I hate surgery but I sure want to get this over with and get on the mend.

Riot has turned.  You know that wonderful age!  When they hit 10 and start progressing into assholehood?  Yeah, he’s getting there.   I knew the days of running through the desert with packs of orcs, werewolves, vampires, and trolls after us would come to an end at some point.  Those were the days!  Every stick had a special spell attached to it, every branch was a gun, and he even knew how to open pathways with spells and close them behind us so we couldn’t get hit by the enemy.  Gone!  Sad!

The one thing it does do is save me a ton of gas money because now I’m not running the ass off of my jeep heading into Vegas every weekend to pick him up.  Dadparental is back in a relationship with the mother of his other three kids (Riot’s brother and sisters) and Riot goes there on the weekends now.  I miss Riot but I don’t miss the glaring glower of “I don’t like you because I didn’t get my way!” Or the icy, cold, “I have to go!” with each word bitten off because he’s mad that I don’t want to buy him something or do something for him as we’re in a phone conversation.

He pulled that on me last week.  I pay for his WOW (World of War Craft) subscription each month. We were on the phone, he was at momparental’s shop, back in the employee’s area, with his laptop playing the game.  Called me to tell me he really wished he could change his character – which costs $10 – and we had talked about it before when he was out here.  I told him “NO” because I have to pay for it essentially.  As soon as he didn’t get what he wanted, his tone went to colder-than-ice and clipped.  I changed the subject, asked how his cat was doing, etc., and then told him that Scout was going to have to go the vet for a lump in her neck and she might have to have surgery.

“Good for her!” with turdball dripping off of it.

“What? You don’t care if Scout is sick or has a problem?”

His response was cold to crappy as he said, “I have to go!”

I said, “No, Riot, I HAVE TO GO! And don’t you ever, ever do that again.  You always have to go when you hear something that doesn’t suit you. As soon as I say something you don’t like lately, and I won’t buy you something, you have to go.  Well…I have to go.  I love you.  Have a good night.” And I hung up on him.  That was about six days ago.  He used to call me every day. He is growing up, but shit…it’s hard to take sometimes.

I have been out working on the exterior of the house.  Have the front all caulked and all the trim primed (the new color I want for trim would never cover since the old trim is a deep chocolate color), one end of the house all caulked, about half of the back and the other end caulked.  The rest of it is up and down the ladder thingy so I did the lower sections first. I hope within about a week I’ll be ready to start painting.  This is the perfect time of year in the desert IMHO…temps are great.  It’s getting downright chilly at night.  Like about 50.

On computers, how does a file just dive off into cyber, never to be seen, found, or heard of again?  Windows 7 Ultimate.  Yeah…it’s beyond me.  I’ve never had this happen before.  Of course it was my encrypted password file with about a zillion different notations in it.  There one day, gone the next.  Nope, haven’t been hacked.  Nope, not in the recycle bin.  Nope, unable to find anywhere on my PC and two external hard drives using “specific” search for the name of the file.  Before I started shooting holes through the walls and kicking the windows out of the house, I went to my windows back up and found it in there on an external drive. FK!  How does it happen?

I found out through a relative that has a relative that works for Microsoft that Microsoft is aware of the problem.  YIP-SKIP-YIPPEE!  No cure yet I guess.

One last note before I call it quits for September. My baby boy – dadparental is just one helluva artist…any medium…and he’s making this for me.  It’s almost finished, soon to be framed, and hanging on my wall.



Ain’t that kewl?  Laters.