
There doesn’t seem to be a way to do it.  Putting all those like thoughts together that create certain reflexes and events – they just keep  straying off into every which direction and they just refuse to come together. Really, I’m not confused…really.

Still no poker on this kid’s horizon.  No attitude for it.  I continue to believe that if I just took an allotted time each day, and dedicated myself to the fine art of playing good, that I would be able to make a showing of profit somewhere down the road – and be able to keep it and add to it.  The problem is having the desire to do it…none…I don’t want to play.  So I’m not.

I last posted a week ago – I was going into Vegas on the morrow and the Rioteer was coming home with me for the weekend.  Ahhhhhh…silly, silly me.  It wasn’t until after I got there and numerous failed attempts to contact momparental, that I received a phone call from a relative of Mr. Riot on his maternal grandmom side and he definitely could not come out and play due to momparental forgetting some previous plan.  Gee…thanks for nothing!  Today is a repeat, I venture to Vegas tomorrow, to bring the Rioteer out to play in the desert with me.  I hope it’s with much better results than last trip in.


I did manage to get my paperwork signed at the Credit Union last week and had lunch with my son Dan, so it wasn’t a completely wasted trip.  Tomorrow when I hit Vegas, I have a prescription to pick up at Costco, and plans to take Riot to Bellagio’s Gardens and then say hi to Carmen in the poker room before we head out of town.


My landmates are gone, about five days now, they were here for almost three months this time.  Monte had the full hip replacement package done and their time was finally up.  They headed north on Sunday to my really old poker stomping grounds, Missoula Montana.  Monte had to pass a physical to be able to go back to driving and the person that dreamed this physical up was some weirdo that really didn’t drive a truck.  I got the news today that he did pass.  They have a truck waiting in California and since they had a Toyota at the depot in Missoula, and they drove his other truck up for the physical, they will bring both of his trucks back down and then drive on into Ca to pick up their next ‘big’ rig.  BTW, the one they wrecked is still being repaired…should say, the one he wrecked.  They will leave his truck at the depot in CA since they like to have a vehicle available wherever they have a check point for truck maintenance, etc.  They will leave the other one in Vegas, where it normally stays when they are on the road.  It seemed strange the first week they were home to have them here for so long, then it seemed strange the first few days when they were gone.


I’ve been out almost every evening trying to get the ‘carving’ down on the Trikke.  It’s been a bitch.  But each day there was some improvement.  Tonight I finally really got it.  I was having a hard time getting my legs into the swing of it and doing most of the work with my shoulders pushing on the handle bars but for the first time tonight, my legs felt the exertion and it got much, much easier to move down the road…it was my longest ride BTW.  I can hardly wait until I can knock out 4 or 5 miles on it.


Pretty much everyone in the poker world has heard of the horror and sorrow of the Jetts losing their young son Apollo.  I can’t stand to even go there, yet my thoughts keep straying and I admit to breaking into tears more than once over the last few days.  It’s horribly sad and heartbreaking.  I pray for peace and strength for them.


The weather is turning to a chillier night and a very livable daytime temperature.  I love this time of year.  Amy and I’ve been walking most mornings, sometimes on the roads, sometimes in the desert.  We leave at 7 a.m. now but soon it will be later since the sun is showing it’s pretty face later in the day – and then we’ll go back to Pacific Standard Time too.  On that note, we are going strolling tomorrow before I leave for Vegas.  G’nite.

P.S.  When my sis was here and we were having dinner at her house – and then later starting a fire in the chimenae, I drank four glass of wine…yeah…all in one night.  Damn, it was fun!  I can almost feel myself slipping back to the old days.  Kinda, sorta, but not.