October of 1978 found my ex (we were shacking up for a few years after divorce to see if we could patch it up) heading for northwestern Montana from Hawaii. My sis, Vickie (yuppers, the truck driving land mate of today), and her family lived in Missoula. She was willing to give us a place to stay while we got our feet on the ground. And we jumped…right into the basement of her place, no furniture and only the bags we packed from Hawaii…lounging on the floor and walls just like the cockroaches we had left behind in Hawaii. We had no money and nowhere to go. Continue reading I got a JOB! The Montana Daze
Monthly Archives: September 2010
Back to the past
The last post sent me spinning around in the old hallowed halls of my memory and the crazy Montana Poker games began to take shape, losing the dusty wrinkles of being packed away for such a long time. Those were the days when poker was fun, when people had never heard of Facebook and MySpace and cell phones weren’t. Everyone socialized at the poker table and the table was your audience, you had center stage any time you wanted it. Continue reading Back to the past
The poker jigsaw puzzle
Poker has been a major part of my life for a major number of years, longer than a lot of the superstars of today’s poker fame have been alive. It beats me to death at times and I walk away from it when I’m in that frame. I never used to. I went back in a repeating loop to play again for a variety of reasons. As of late I’ve had no desire to play. While I believe a break from poker is a good thing, I continuously think about the amount of money that’s waiting out there to be won. Continue reading The poker jigsaw puzzle
Another chapter closes
It seems like only yesterday that Carmen Bates came to work at the Mirage, and Pete Popovich went from being a chip runner to a part time dealer and then to a brush and floor man. We used to go to the Peppermill one night each week after work and have a drink and talk about the craziness of poker and people and life…one drink running into the next empty glass. For a long time after Pete started on the floor, he used to say, “I can’t believe it! I’m the chip runner with keys!” Continue reading Another chapter closes
There doesn’t seem to be a way to do it. Putting all those like thoughts together that create certain reflexes and events – they just keep straying off into every which direction and they just refuse to come together. Really, I’m not confused…really.
The world is insane…
All day long I’ve been trying to get here. I see my swirly dust tracks from my last visit are starting to fade as the walls of this joint get some use…now if I could just reach the ceiling Yah, three posts in about eight days or so, S-C-A-R-Y! Life is filled with such wonderful little messes and sometimes bad endings and sometimes good endings and endings that never happen but the suspense keeps building and sometimes the bad endings end up creating good in the long run and the good endings…well…damn I love a Cinderella story. But I’m not here to relate one. Just gabbin’. Continue reading The world is insane…
Campbells Soup is Umnhnnnn…UGH!
This started back in April. I just finished corresponding with a friend of mine that’s an attorney that had another attorney check into my complaint to see if I could SUE them. It started with me sending them this statement on their customer comment’s page:
It’s dark in here!
I didn’t knock the dust and cobwebs out of the interior of this mind escape last time I was in here, and I can still see my footprints on the walls from the last time I visited. I need to talk to myself about this. Today I have a jumble going on in my main brain linking system and it could force me to reboot at any time (that would be an escape to go play Metroid the other M) but until then, let me scribble. Continue reading It’s dark in here!