Things that make me go “Umnhhhh…”

“We are writing to inform you of a recent incident at Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield that we have become aware of.”  UGH! Based upon their analysis, someone, somewhere (like a NUMBER of individuals) were able to change the website address and gain access to the section that contained MY personal information (yah, not just me but others in that section), that means my social security number, name, and CC info could have been accessed…well ain’t that just some kinda damned wonderful?

As a way to make up for the possibility that my/our information has been compromised and I/we could be at risk with identity theft and busted CC’s and bank information, I/we were offered a year free at  Hell yes I took it!  But not before the suspicious side of my dark thoughts ran over what ifs…what if companies like deebix (not saying deebix so don’t sue me here) did the compromising to illicit mega $ from Anthem and other companies and then what if my insurance premium has to reflect the charge of this ‘free to me’ service over time? And what if companies just set up fake notices to hook up with credit monitoring services so we would continue the service down the road and it was all an elaborate marketing scheme.  Yah…I’m twisted.

On things that make me go “What the Fuck…”  My old digs sold at auction toward the end of May to Fannie Mae.  For a year, at least once a month, when BofA called to collect, I went through the same question and answer period, they asked some of the question, I asked some.  NO…there were no government bail-out programs for me, I didn’t fit any category. I stayed on the phone patiently each time as they supposedly searched through a variety of choices.  In truth they probably poured another glass of wine and toasted off to some great tunes with the timer set so they could come back to me after a bit and tell me nothing was out there for me…all the while thinking to themselves,  “Stupid Fuck, the banks got the bail-outs and we used them to pad our bank accounts and retirement and vacations, and buy more houses at auction.”

Do I sound bitter?

I asked many times why they wouldn’t just drop the principal balance down to market value for me, give me a low interest rate and allow me to keep my home.  Naw…can’t do that.  “Are you going to make a payment?”

“Why would I?  The market value is $142k and I owe $242K.  I can walk away and rent a place for around $750 a month instead of being upside down on something that may not recover its value in my lifetime and I won’t have to keep paying for a dead horse.”

End of conversations.  There was no help for me.  The house is gone.  It is on the market now for $83K.  Yeah, wipe the spit off of your monitor.  It’s going on everywhere.  I made payments on it for years but I wasn’t credible enough to negotiate with UNLESS there was another government bailout waiting that the bank could take…not to help me but to help them.  I’m sure they got a lot of help with the auction purchase – I’m guessing it sold for around $50K but have no idea what it really went for.

My credit is shot, although I make other payments on time, except for two credit cards which I stopped paying on.  That will be the next post.  I’m on a rant of things that make me go “WTF?” so check back.

On the poker side, I played a freeroll on PokerStars and a FPP tourney on Sunday.  NG – No good!  I’m OK with it.  I’ve had very little time to devote to a poker game as of late but I’m hoping to be back stacking chips soon.  🙂

One thought on “Things that make me go “Umnhhhh…””

  1. just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean no one’s watching you….. Your scenario sounds like a terrific premise for a novel, but unfortunately, we’re more likely to find out someday that it’s a non-fiction book.

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