The road stretches out

at least if you suck air it continues to run out in front of you.  Just watch out for the holes.  And the speed bumps!  And keep on moving.

I had one of those marvelous things just happen, (must’ve been a speed bump) like a post that was three pages long, and lost my Internet connection, even though I had copied the content, when I went back to the page, and pasted, all that showed up was a picture I had inserted.  I’m just jumping for joy right now.  So let me start over… it’s kind of like the road stretching out it just runs out in front of you or evaporates into thin air or runs through a sieve to just disappear into the earth, never be found again.

The old post started with the fact that tomorrow’s PokerWorks’ family tournament had been canceled due to the holiday, and would resume next week, same time, same place, different game.  Hope to see you there.


Today is my granddaughter Katie’s second birthday, and I’m also expecting a grandson within the next hour, who is Katie’s new brother.  I won’t get to see Katie for her Birthday but then I haven’t seen her in quite some time.  The momparental on that side and I are definitely out of touch other than a few sparring matches in texts and phone calls. I offered to watch Katie for a few days while mom recuperated but mom dissed my offer twice with an undefined answer that hung in the air depending on what someone else did, depending on what happened there. The whole story here is another part of the reality TV series that needs to be written.

The new baby isn’t actually due for another five days, but momparental didn’t want to have to remember four different birthdays, so she told me about five months ago that she would either have a cesarean section or have the baby induced on Katie’s birthday.  I told her she was fucking crazy, that conversation ended rather quickly. But that’s exactly what happened.  Katie doesn’t get her own birthday, she has to have one with her brother…oh brother!

You have to think about the fact that this woman has some issues with things, she had to have four kids because it has something to do with magical numbers.  She couldn’t have three, or five, because her numbers have to be even and four was the perfect number.  She cannot support herself let alone four kids, from three different fathers, and she’s not 19, she’s close to 40.  Isn’t reason supposed to kick in there somewhere as you age?  She feels that I am harboring animosity towards her because I won’t let her stay up at the old digs.  I find it bizarre that she would even want to.  She has a house in Pahrump that she bought the year before I moved out here, and her relationship with my son is far from comfortable.  It’s more like insane…back to the reality TV series.  So enough of her.  Happy birthday Katie.  Welcome to the world new grandson.  Peace and good health to you momparental.


Wednesday found me in Las Vegas.  I went in on Tuesday night and stayed at the old digs with Riot and dadparental.  We took Riot to school on Wednesday morning, he started having a fit verbally as soon as he knew he had to go to school, yes he did start on Monday, a week late.  When we got to the school, the little kids were playing on the playground and Riot had a great time leaping and jumping around and he made a new friend for just a few moments before the bell rang – which would really make the transition easier.  Perhaps the two will get to know each other better as school goes on.  When everyone started to line up to go to class that’s when the shit hit the fan.  Riot had a screaming fit and had to be handed off to his teacher.  This was just before the screaming started, when he really started to realize that he was going to have to go.  Dadparental said the screaming wasn’t as bad as Tuesday morning.


In a way the screaming was kind of funny, it reminded me of many times in my life when I felt like doing exactly the same thing, only as an adult we’re supposed to just buck up and deal with it.  it would be hysterical to watch a dealer hit the floor on the individually, hand laid, European tiles in front of Bobby’s Room at Bellagio.  And then go into a screaming, “NO!  NO!  I don’t want to in there!”  There has been more than one night that I wanted to have a screaming fit when I drew a line-up of black chip games during big tournament time and I knew I was going to be routed right through hell.


I went out today to move the buckets that have my newly sprouted Joshua trees into the sun.  They are getting a very gradual introduction to sunlight.  As I picked up one of them, this went scurrying away, tail in the air.


He didn’t get too far.  Yah, I murdered him, you are looking at a corpse.  He’s only about an inch and a half long and was a lighter color before the death pallor took over…which BTW is brown.

This is the 2nd one I’ve seen on the property and I’m sure they are all over hell’s half acre out here.


We’ve had intense gloom in the air as of late, due to fires in CA and winds, and the sun has been an incredible ball of red in the late afternoon sky.  Try as I might, I can’t get a decent picture.  I think I need a filter.  Actually, I’d love a new camera…maybe soon.  This is one of my best shots, and it ain’t even close to how kewl it really looked.



Oh my aching mouth.  That was the main reason for the trip in Vegas, time to get the pearly whites cleaned and check out the bite.  The bite sux…still.  I got a shot, my gum lasered off again on the evil tooth, the scraping of the root on said tooth, and ugh!  That scraping is unreal.  It feels as it your tooth is being pushed out of your jaw bone and a teeth gritting kind of scrape is going on at the same time.  So…I came home from Vegas with a throbbing pain and tiredness that’s hard to describe.  I’m seriously sick to death of the tooth thing. My lower jaw keeps moving forward.  “Why?” I asked the dentist.  He tells me, “It’s your brain, it’s telling it to.”  SWEET FUCKING HELL!  Seriously?

I spent two days keeping my bite locked into the back – who knows what I do at night?  And finally gave up and went back to wearing the deprogrammer – another little torture chamber.  I have so many gadgets to wear on my teeth you’d think I was building a factory in my mouth.  None of them are fun.  I go back in two weeks.  The next option, if it doesn’t settle in, is to have it pulled.  I’ve put that option off for almost two years now.  But I won’t put it off another two years.

The jaw moving forward thing is too weird. Looking at a profile view, my jaw isn’t out of line or appearing as if it’s forward…just so you know.


The truck driving duo got in early Thursday morning.  We’ve had a few yard projects and more plans in the mix.  We’re going to The Winery tonight for dinner.  Love that place.


I played two tournaments on Full Tilt Poker yesterday, placed in one.  Pretty brutal, A-K snapped twice, once by A-10 off (he caught a 10) and once by A-7 suited (he caught a 7 and then we both caught an ace on the river…la-de-da) and Q-Q by A-3 (hello Ace) and I still made the $.  Tomorrow is going to be another poker day for me but today is one of NO cards on the virtual felt.