If memory serves me correctly

I’m thinking that momparental said she was registering Riot for K-G about two weeks ago.  Yesterday I hear, via dadparental, that Riot wasn’t going to start school until next Monday – WTF?  Why is he starting a week late?  I made the trip to Vegas, picked up dadparental, we drove to the school to check and see if he was registered and dadparental wanted to get on the list for emergencies and visitations – you’d have to have followed the whole thing to figure there are issues between momparental and dadparental and Riot is the pawn that momparental wields as her favorite weapon.  Not to worry, there’s no kid registered at the school with dadparental’s last name, and yes, that’s the name on his birth certificate.

Fertilizer was hitting the ventilator as heated phone conversations went on and threats were flung by the other end of the conversation about harassment, etc.  How is wanting your son to be registered and attending school harassment?  The whole thing makes me ill.  After taking care of some business, I got home about 2:30 from Vegas, hot, tired, and ready to crawl into a shell and hibernate.  Not much was settled except that there will be more…there always is.

A neighbor about four houses down is a long haul truck driver and brings his truck home, parks it on the road, blocking almost a full lane of traffic, and leaves the APU running, it’s running now as I write and it has a tendency to get on my nerves at times.  Methinks I’m just not a noise lover of any kind.  The only good part about the APU is it is steady and sort of mutes out the neighboring dogs.

Hey, I know I’m a grouchy bitch.  At least I recognize it, lots of people are but don’t know it.

I played the $4.40 limit holdem again yesterday evening on PokerStars, it was crazy.  My table never changed much except for a new player coming in now and then but we had one player that rollercoastered up and down and played ATC all the time I was there.  From 6-7 off on a flop of A-K-3-7-7 to whatever it took to run everyone down.  I got beat in a hand by them with a 3 card out once and got knocked out by them – but they had me beat on the final hand…otherwise I got very lucky that every time they called me, my hand held up.  I almost made the $.  A couple of the other players were having 3 cows and 2 calves over the way rollercoaster played.  I can’t help but laugh…they just could break themselves although they tried.

Tonight I survived almost 4K players to make 222nd place and pick up a whopping $5 and change for 3 hours of play…damn it’s fun.

I’m bumbling futzing around and thinking it’s time to sleep.

One thought on “If memory serves me correctly”

  1. Hang tough, Kiddo. Riots reality is lousy, but third parties muddy waters and might be too much. Rock, think anchor, somewhere for the kid to rest.

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