For some reason

I just can’t get here.  A lot of it is the time factor, the minutes speed by as I try to catch them – laughing at me as they skip off over my shoulder never to be captured or seen again.  I feel like I’m in the middle of some huge life dilemma but I can’t put a finger on what it is and I can’t pick a direction.  That’s a bad thing for a Taurus to have to admit.  I still have my center, the core of what I am and what I believe in, but the life dilemma is hanging out there, waiting for me to make up my mind and make a positive move…

I am off to Vegas tomorrow, fairly early, for a dental visit – ain’t it sweet?  And the truck driving duo made home last weekend.  We have some plans.  Riot is in lockdown thanks to she-parental.  I’m not sure I will ever pen a book about poker dealing, but I should pen one about fucked up people and relationships…ahhh…but a lot of that is at the poker table, right?

I can’t stay tonight.  I hope to be back with more direction and focus next time I visit Tango.  Stay well everyone, take a sanity pill and do deep breathing exercises five times a day…oh wait…that’s my prescription for myself.

2 thoughts on “For some reason”

  1. Hang in there, Linda. Laugh right back at those minutes. They’re just an illusion, anyway.

  2. Hey, Linda! Take this question as the joke it is: Are you putting your money where your mouth is?

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