Tomorrow is…

yes it is a day.  A day of beginning, the end of the week for some, the beginning of the week for others, a day of worship for some,  a day of big Money Sundays for others and always a poker day for those who play online poker.  It is also the biweekly PokerWorks 8 Game tourney, Let me add that I would really appreciate everyone showing up and getting in the game.  I, however, cannot attend.  I will be at the Las Vegas Airport picking up son #2 and family.  I will think about all of you for a flash of a second as I go about the business of hanging out with my family.

Which brings to mind the fact that I did not post about the last 8 game tourney we had two weeks ago.  It seemed to run into forever and some of us were dragging butt anyway, when djhomeschool busted in 3rd, Clearspine and I opted to chop, simply to get it over with and get some much needed rest.  I’m not a fan of chopping and I can’t believe it will be a normal circumstance for me…because it won’t…it was just the right time, right situation type of thing.

On other topics, Marie called me from the road today, they survived winds and one tornado watch and are on their way to a ‘t’ ball game in Oklahoma.

It’s hot as hell out right now and there is a chili tasting/judging contest going on in Pahrump at the fairgrounds right now…was just there for a few moments as Riot and I met Katie (Riot’s sister) and Katie’s sister Amy and Mom.  We ended up at the Lois Lane Deli across the street for lunch and then headed our separate ways.

I had a great chuckle yesterday as I happened to look out to the road and see a woman pushing a baby stroller (let’s assume there was a baby in it), and following behind her on leashes were two goats.  What a picture!  I should have taken one.

No poker for me the last few days and I may not make it into a game for a few more.  But do start without me, OK?

P.S. The 8 game tourney starts at 21:00 ET on PokerStars, the maximum number of registrants is 7200 so you’d better hurry.  The cost is $5.50, the password is ‘donkeys’ and the tournament can be found under the private tab as ‘Poker Works Family’ or by searching tournament #159379356.