Goodbye Poker Perambulation – Hello Witches Brew!

There are a multitude of things that need to be written, this is one major one that takes precedence over the others.  Poker Perambulation, also known as Ken P., has decided to take another move with his life and he’s not sure how much of it is going to be wrapped around poker and blogging. Ken spent a lot of time working with PokerWorks, and me, to help fill the pages and build our history, and managed to point out some problems with URL links and a few bugs that were reported to the programmers, and a multitude of other beneficial actions.  To say Ken was a huge asset to our team at PokerWorks would be an understatement.  Ken also answered a lot of questions and filled the need of a moderator in our forum.  He has promised that he will still visit now and then.  We wish him well and thank him for the time he spent with us.  Goodbye Ken!

I went back to the blog index page last night and took a look at the bloggers that have gone through PokerWorks.  Actually I started laughing.  It’s perhaps a strange twist my brain goes through when I stop and think about circumstances in life and how we get where we are, what caused us to move in that direction, and how we handle it or reflect upon it as we look back.

We’ve had some of the biggest name poker bloggers in the history of the Internet come across these pages.  Poker blogging isn’t what it used to be, not everyone wants to be there. And some that started with high hopes about being a blogger and tracking their game play and relating their experiences to the online world have given up and gone on to do other things.

I am guilty of losing my zest for the poker blogger seat since I no longer have pent-up anger and frustration from dealing a live poker game raging through my head when I walked through the door from work.  I realize that the majority of my readers want to read about the awkward situation I was put in more than once while dealing with/to that awkward side of humanity that displays itself so poorly when money and emotion are involved.

So while my blog is not what it used to be in terms of players, frustration, card throwing, swearing, and the dire dark side of the poker underbelly, I would still like to think it is worth visiting because I portray life, not just a poker game.  I have always felt that a poker game is a microcosm of life; each event/table/experience/encounter with the player is a small part of life being played out on stage that is set with an audience.  That is the attraction.  That is what has kept me in awe of poker all these years.  The people – good, bad, unclean, mean, broke, rich, literate, stupid (please check all that apply) that are incredibly entertaining in their quest to be what???  A poker player?  Na-a-a-a-w-w-w-w, there’s a lot more to it than that.

So while you fumble through all the possibilities of the complexities and puzzles of poker and its fatal attraction, please welcome our newest blogger, a personal friend, a long time player and ex-dealer, and someone that can fill PokerWorks with imagination, a zest for life, and some insight on how to deal with playing poker.

*drumroll*…….  Ladies and Gentlemen, Poker Players and Railbirds, please welcome Witches Brew Poker Stew!