The Sandwoman’s in my immediate future

Tournament and news reports are coming in and the people side of poker is going up on PokerWorks in the WSOP Central section. My favorite part of poker is the people side of it. I don’t mind the people so much but I do hate the cards a lot at times. I’m still beating my head into a brick with the Chasing Chris Ferguson project, but hey…why not? What better time could I have than playing poker from home and being able to get really vocal when I take a beat – without getting a warning from the floor!

Subject change – I have Wii Fit. What an incredible ton of fun and a zany little tool to track your balance, BMI, and a ton of other things. The downside is when you gain a pound or so, your little Mii gets a bigger middle…yeah, it gains weight when you do. And when you step on the Wii board, the vocal goes, “UHooo!” like ouch…you weigh too much. I had one helluva time getting it to register Riot because you have to stand completely still when you get on it. Tell that to a 4 year old dynamo.

The wind came up this afternoon, mega heavy duty, super duper, blow your ass to Mars kind of thing. And then it rained. And the wind kept blowing. and eight hours later, there’s a slight breeze and it’s damn nippy feeling outside. I just went out to do some late night food shopping and had to wear a jacket, it’s 64 degrees. That’s mighty frigid for Vegas this time of year.

I’m checking into the Banks airflow system for the Steed. Although diesel did drop to $4.75 today, I don’t have a lot of hope that it’s going to keep dropping. Besides, I’ve tinkered with the Banks system idea since I bought the Steed. It’s supposed to do a lot of things, including better MPG. I called the company yesterday and chatted with a guy named Chuck that had me chuckling but he was informative too. Then he promised to put out a few calls to installing garages here in Vegas and get back to me, he did. It’s expensive. Umnhhh!! But at the rate that diesel keeps jumping it could well be worth it. Plus you’re supposed to be able to zoom up hills towing your home instead of dropping down into granny gear on a steep grade.

I hate the fact that I feel like my face is going to slide off and my body’s going to do total meltdown because I’m so damned tired I can’t think. That’s where I am right now…then get the hell out of here and go to sleep. OK!

One thought on “The Sandwoman’s in my immediate future”

  1. I got the Wii fit for my lovely bride for Mother’s Day, and it is already the family favorite. Just be thankful the Americanized version of it is not as blunt as the Japanese, where if you are overweight, you step on the board and it says "You’re FAT!" I love the different sized Miis. My 11 year-old literally looks like a string bean!

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