Where have I been?

Let’s see…an old nightmare revisited, Gaudin Ford – they are first on my ‘never return’ list – for anything – especially a sincere customer service attitude. I never have a good experience with them, having bought two trucks from them, and purchasing their service policy, etc., one would think they might even be a little more concerned – about anything. But they aren’t.

One of my days was taken up by trying to get the Steed serviced (getting ready for the long haul north in about two and a half weeks). I wanted an oil change, wiper blades, check this/check that, all of that is included in the service policy. And I wanted my wheels aligned, tires balanced and rotated – left it at 7:30 a.m. and was told it would be ready after lunch. At noon I called, my service manager was out to lunch (I think he’s always out to lunch). The phone person said they would leave a message for him to call me. I called back at 2 p.m., “Oh yes, I did have a message to call you…”

Ok, Dick Tracy, figure it out, this ain’t customer service.

Not only was the Steed not done, they hadn’t even started on it yet. He said they would have to keep it overnight. NOT! It was the wheel alignment, that was the hold up. Sure, that’s why none of it was done? He said I could bring it in tomorrow for the wheel alignment then since I didn’t want to leave it overnight. I told him I WOULD NOT. I wanted everything else done and I wanted to pick it up today. He said he’d get ‘them’ on it.

I showed up at 4:30, standing at the cashier, I called him. He did a…”Oh yeah, that’s done.”

You got it Dick Tracy, that ain’t customer service either. It was now done but no one had called me? Guess what, I ain’t never going back there. There are other dealerships in Vegas, I will go to one of them and Gaudin can just go get GAUDINED.


Then a visit to the dentist for teeth cleaning. Nice! NOT!!!! I hate it. I have a new hygienist. I don’t think there’s any enamel left on my teeth but they sure feel smooth. And sensitive.


I’ve been to the Rio more than once, looked at the faces of a zillion players, and some of them left me wondering what their thoughts were as they battled it out over the felt. I witnessed the hand that Salvatore Sully Erna had a ‘flop’ fit over when his K-Q ran into a set of jacks. He jumped up, felting his cards with a crash, waiting for inevitable doom as the dealer brought runner-runner to give him a straight. My, my, my…how his whole demeanor and attitude changed then.

I was there when the Bubbler bubbled out (last year too) and it’s really exciting in a way and excruciatingly painful in others. The play of the hands, one hand at a time, all the dealers stand when they are done with the hand, and when all is finished, the next hand is dealt. It’s almost like waiting for someone to start bleeding because they are so D-A-M-N close to making the money and then…


Honestly, I can’t take the Rio for more than a few hours at a time. This is my third week of not singing the ‘Time Clock Blues’ and while I’m adjusting to a new sleep schedule and life during the day, I don’t miss the noise and emotional confusion that seems to come in tidal wave proportions from a group of players. My thanks goes to CC for doing such a great job of coverage of the WSOP for PokerWorks. *bows and blows a kiss*


While not being chained to the time clock, I’ve managed a few more social contacts and definitely been able to spend more time with Riot. He’s having a bit of a tiz here because he’s not managing his character well in an Xbox game – that’s the control in his lap. While all of his words don’t translate into English, he certainly talks up a storm.


While Riot’s carrying on and verbalizing his defeats in Riot-n-ese, the family dog, Caine, likes to sleep up against the wall or a step, with his lower quarters in the air. *hysterical*

Life is good here in the desert…except for the damn heat.

2 thoughts on “Where have I been?”

  1. It is currently 72-degrees, sunny, light breeze.

    I have to get days like that in before winter hits and I lose my bragging points.

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