Is it my cruel streak or is it ok to laugh?

Of course I’m a lunatic about titles on Spam and the way they try to hook all of us in to opening, and reading their drivel and slop, that they should be shot for (through the legs so they can’t walk) and be forced to sit at thecomputer from hell for the rest of their lives, answering SPAM. Of course regular readers know my views on Spam as I’ve posted more than once about the non-stop slop and most of it’s sexual in nature…like there are women waiting to meet me…pshaw! Get out of here! Continue reading Is it my cruel streak or is it ok to laugh?

Project City Center VI

I may give up the Roman numeral system of Project City Center updates. The project is so far ongoing that I may not be able to figure out what the next one is at some point. Ok…now for all of you absolutely brilliant people, you can send them to me in an email or in a comment or send me theURL where I can bookmark it for future reference. Speaking of help, I’m wondering where my possible future husband went to. Marriage proposals, no questions asked, and then *BOOM* nothing. Perhaps someone else caught his eye… Continue reading Project City Center VI

The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act

Over the last week or so I’ve become more and more distressed with the ban on internet gambling being signed into law. I have hated the idea of it for quite a long time, way back before a lot of internet poker players even had any idea that such a shitty little wrinkle was on the horizon, I protested the event and asked people not to allow it to take place then. It’s not just poker that’s at stake, it’s ‘choice’ *freedom* that’s at stake. Continue reading The Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act


I received an incredibly simple, stunningly elegant, hand crafted, copper vase today when I arrived at work. It was packaged and shipped to the Poker Office. Enclosed with the gift was a card offering me congratulations on seven years…that would be the Memory Lane post. If you scroll to the bottom of that post and check the comments section, you will note that Ken P. and I have a little Tango of our own going on. We’ve never met in person, just through the internet medium after he somehow stumbled on to PokerWorks. Continue reading Cobre

The Pan Game plays the Excalibur

The Saturday night meets have grown long in between sessions. I seem to be the only person, of the entire group, that consciously makes an effort to bring everyone together. In a way, that sucks. Why don’t people take the initiative more often and throw out an invitation to spend time with each other? Perhaps they really wish I’d just go away and they want to invite the others but feel they have to invite me too if they hold a shindig. Gee…that’s kind of a disheartening thought so I’ll skip over it and think it’s just because mankind is lazy in general and procrastinates on everything although the thought ripples over the gray matter on occasion. All of that out of the way, Marie and I were first to arrive, she beat me by a few minutes and had our names on the list for $3-6 and $2-6 spread limit. Continue reading The Pan Game plays the Excalibur

Today’s Forecast

Sleepy with drooping, burning eyes, very little brain activity, an overly full stomach, with gusts of snoring on the horizon. In other words, this won’t be too long. I am alive, everything is OK, poker is still a very active part of my life, and I expect to be back in full force by late afternoon, which is my morning. Check back this evening please. A post should be up about the Pan Game Playing the Excalibur before I leave for Bellagio’s time clock.

Fern Canyon at Red Rock Canyon

We got started a little later than I had planned but the hike was great. Not only does my son Dan play poker all of the time, he’s good at it. He was the person that dragged me out to Calico Basin for a mean climb up one of the ridges years ago, and forever has me hooked on hiking and climbing in the desert. I blame and thank him for that day. Now add the fact that we get to kick around poker play, hands, strategy, and advice while we spend time together, it just adds a level to the whole mix that is very hard to beat. My body is sore and tired today because we spent around three hours climbing up and around trails and rocks to move a little further up in the canyon than most people go. What a way to punish your body though. Love it! Continue reading Fern Canyon at Red Rock Canyon

Morning coffee and online gambling laws

The coffee is great – there’s a hike in the offing – the Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Law is a little hard to swallow right now. There’s so much going on in the thoughts, words, news, of people that play poker online, that it’s a little difficult to even begin to fathom that we are outlaws or criminals because we play poker. I just read Poker Permbulation and Ken P. has a great idea and approach to voicing our concerns to our government…so get with it! JUST DO IT! Continue reading Morning coffee and online gambling laws

Memory Lane

Sometimes a little stroll through the past is a very good thing. It reminds us of where we’ve been – at times nudging us to vastly improve ourselves and lives so we don’t have to revisit the bottom – at times bringing a wistful smile or moist eyes – at times bringing an all out emotional burst of tears and painful thoughts – whatever it brings to each of us, the past is a good place to visit but then leave behind until another whisper takes us back to look again. I visited an old page today, my beginning with PokerWorks, page last updated 9/29/99: Continue reading Memory Lane