
I received an incredibly simple, stunningly elegant, hand crafted, copper vase today when I arrived at work. It was packaged and shipped to the Poker Office. Enclosed with the gift was a card offering me congratulations on seven years…that would be the Memory Lane post. If you scroll to the bottom of that post and check the comments section, you will note that Ken P. and I have a little Tango of our own going on. We’ve never met in person, just through the internet medium after he somehow stumbled on to PokerWorks.

Ken has managed to cement himself into PokerWorks history by being our ‘forum angel’, written some great strategy articles, and now blogs for PokerWorks at Poker Perambulation. Our site wouldn’t be half of what it is without Ken. *applause, cheering, foot stomping* Take a bow Ken.Ken and Ido a dialogue dance more often than not, and he’s accused me of being stubborn and I’ve razzed him also. But the gift I received today speaks volumes about him. I love it! It fits perfectly into the decor and small space I have in the coach.


This is a hand forged copper piece made in the traditional bonfire method. The picture doesn’t even do it justice. And the artisans work with reclaimed copper. Sweet! Thanks Ken!!!

2 thoughts on “Cobre”

  1. You could have just said, “Your’re welcome.”

    But alas, you pose a question. Umnhhhh! There are lots of threads running off in different directions. Too many to pursue so I leave the question unanswered.

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