Alive and crawling

No Creamy Vanilla Smoothie or Redi-cat-2 on today’s menu. My son gave me a ride to the Endoscopy Center and he arrived early so I had him drop me off early. I got there an hour before my appointment. Not to worry, they were running behind and it was two hours after my appointment time that they finally called my name. Kee-rist! No food, nothing to drink since midnight and did they know I’m a huge aqua guzzler? And that I’m in the desert? They didn’t care. By the time I was called, I had to have the chair surgically removed from my ass which made the appointment even later.

There really was a lot of turmoil in that office waiting room, and a lot of people came and went, and I watched them all. But my focus mainly returned to the overhead TV and the remembrance of 911. This was how I felt then – this is how I feel now: The Death of Peace I can add nothing further to that post in retrospect or future thought.