Sunday, June 08, 2003

Take a moment and reflect…this is not about poker, it’s about life. Mike, a Montana man, is going in tomorrow to have his leg amputated. He’s blind, diabetic, and is on dialysis for kidney failure. First he has to go through dialysis, which is brutally hard on one’s body, wait a few hours, and then have his leg amputated because gangrene has taken over his foot. Mike is 49. He’s has very few pleasures left in the world and one of them is fishing. He did go fishing when someone would take the time to take him.

Mike has lived with his mother, Patty, all his life. Patty is single, works for a living, a kind and loving, hard working mom, that’s in complete, emotional distress right now. Her son is going through something that no one can share with him. She has to watch, hope and pray for the best result for him, and whatever happens after that, she has to deal with in her own way.

I write this hoping that each and every one of you that reads it will take a moment, think of Mike and Patty, and send your strongest hopes and prayers for both of them to come through this and find peace while they are going through it. My prayer for both of them is peace, healing, spiritual and physical wellness, and if the physical existence cannot be maintained, then peace and acceptance when moving to the next step of being.

While you’re thinking of them, think of yourself and those you love. Cherish what you have and be thankful for each day you’re given with those you love.