I would like to open the opportunity for guest posting. It would work as follows:
You choose a nickname for your posts – that name would be at the beginning of all of your posts.
Content can vary, from life events to world news discussions/opinions to poker events/tournaments/game play and more.
You CANNOT advertise or use a link as an advertisements in your post. You can include links to information you are referencing or writing about. If you have a blog/website (link approval by me), you can use a link at the bottom of the post to point to it.
There is no compensation for your post. If you have images that would fit with your post, you can add them. Your content will not be removed or changed or edited (unless you request my help in editing) or sold but it will remain on Table Tango and you will not have the right to request its removal once it is posted.
It would be wonderful if you check back for comments and add to the discussion.
Obviously, swearing is allowed but keep it to a minimum, and no sexual/pornographic content allowed.
To guest post do the following:
Write your post/include your choice of nickname/images if you wish (if they are part of the post, please note in your post where you feel they should be inserted and name the image to make sure it goes where you want it in the post.
Example: Joe went to play poker at Bellagio on Sunday and ran into a madhouse with players lined up outside the room waiting to sign up at the podium.
(insert image player-confusion-at-signup-bellagio.jpg)
Make sure you give me a valid email address so I contact you if needed.
The email you should use to send your posts to me: lindageenen(at)gmail.com
The decision to use your post is at my discretion. You will be notified if it is accepted and if it isn’t, I will tell you why I don’t believe it’s a good fit.
Other conditions may be added as Table Tango grows and develops.