Category Archives: Dear Diary


On Tuesday it’s two weeks since I had the left eye cataract surgery done.  It was different from the first surgery.  I have no idea why. Right after the surgery I had a horrible ache in the middle of the eye that felt like it bored into the back of my brain (I know, you’re thinking not much damage to be done there, right?) and it was kind of a sickening feeling.

Continue reading Yippee!

This little piggy went to…

back to the blog.  I seem to be stuck in a never-ending cycle of doctoring.  I’m off to Las Vegas tomorrow to see my gynecologist as a follow-up after the early November surgery.  He’s not the surgeon, just going back for a checkup and then I won’t have to see him for a year.  Although he’s young, energetic, nice demeanor, and seems very wise, I prefer not having to travel to Vegas for Dr. visits. Continue reading This little piggy went to…

Happy New Year!

Out with the old, in with the new, as the saying goes.  But before we leave 2014 behind, let’s take the best of it, multiply it a few thousand times, and set a direct course for it in 2015.  Happy New Year world!