These kids really aren’t new; they’ve been around, you’ve been reading them in other addresses on the internet but they’ve opted to join me and the blogging team already at PokerWorks, for which I’m eternally grateful.
A blog community in bloom is a beautiful thing. Please join me in welcoming Amy Calistri – Calistri’s Corner, Change 100, Joe Speaker, and Maudie. I can’t say enough about them or even begin to describe my feelings at how pleased I am that they are on board.
Each of them has a unique approach to blogging and life. Of course one of the common bonds we have is poker, but that is just ONE of the common bonds. If we dig beneath the surface of our daily living, it is like watching a scene in a poker game. Or is poker like watching a scene in a life game?
If you are not a blogger, you might consider the following: We spend our days trying to figure out ourselves and where we’ve been, where we are going, what we are doing in the interim, and if we’re lucky, we find ourselves in people around us. That’s where we build our strongest foundations, by seeing ourselves in others and picking those little fragmented pieces out of everyone that fit a perfect niche in ourselves. The pieces of the puzzle gradually come together and we find ourselves whole. A blog may be filled with millions of fragmented pieces, yet it leads us closer to the person that writes it.A blogis a personal expression, something that shouldn’t be edited, something that should be written from the heart, something that should be written for self and no other reason.
If you are a blogger, blog on because you already know what it’s all about.
The blogging team at PokerWorks is a unique blend. There’s a blog for every appetite. If you can’t find someone worth reading in the PokerWorks blogging team, you be from Mars. Come on in and take a read on our writing and in doing so, you might find yourself staring out at you from the pages.
So, what are you going to call your bloggers?
A stable? A harem? A bunch of degenerate freaks? Your kids?
Something else entirely?
Come on, Linda! We need a name for your crew!
How about calling them Linda’s accessories?
Main Entry: accessory
Part of Speech: noun 2
Definition: accomplice
Synonyms: abettor, accomplice, aid, aide, assistant, associate, coconspirator, colleague, confederate, conspirator, helper, insider, partner, plant*, ringer*, shill*, stall*, subordinate
Antonyms: chief, instigator, leader, principal
Source: Roget’s New Millenniumâ„¢ Thesaurus, First Edition (v 1.3.1)
Copyright © 2007 by Lexico Publishing Group, LLC. All rights reserved
Linda, sorry it took so long to get back…. I have had a few set backs and I am on a bummer of a long losing streak that started just after I saw you in Vegas…. I must have caught something from you…. grin
Here is the reference to my blog where Pokey the Dog enters his first tournament….