How weird is that? It’s the middle of August, usually the time the desert seriously puts the heat on — and yet — it feels like fall this early morning. I took the dog and me out to the desert for a walk about 6ish…perfect with a hoodie on.
I started this earlier today and didn’t get back. That doesn’t surprise me though. It’s tough to find the time sometimes — and the reserve surges of energy that keep conscious thought in a formation that can be focused and utilized. So…keeping with the post a day isn’t going quite as planned. I’m much more consistent about being here but not managing to stick with my original goal. *slaps self across face*
I just got into a dispute with Riot about burns and the use of yellow mustard on them. He’s convinced that soy sauce, mustard, and emerald glue can stop a burn. A Googling I went. Because I burned my arm taking a casserole dish out of the oven. My norm is to just ignore most burns and they stop hurting after a few minutes. Google says that mustard and soy sauce do help with a burn — not a doctor’s statement, just reports. Umnhhhh! Interesting. He was gloating because he was right. Emerald glue? No idea, I didn’t look it up.
Tomorrow’s another trip into Vegas to see a Dr. and find the results of several tests. That office contacted me yesterday and wanted to know if I could go to Quest for a blood test so the results would be available at my visit tomorrow. I made it, not sure how since it was getting on to the time that Quest closed. The nurse at Quest said it was a fasting test…I don’t think so…but the report came in that way. The office told me I could have the test done that day, can’t help but wonder sometimes if they are all on the same page with instructions, etc.
Just a small note on poker in this post. I can’t help but wonder how much Sheldon Adelson is paying behind the scenes for this article: “How Washington Opened the Floodgates to Online Poker, Dealing Parents a Bad Hand.” Pretty sweet that nothing is mentioned about the safeguards in effect in even getting into an online gaming site and all the safety measures that continually monitor the game. The article makes it appear as if all those sweet, soft, doe-eyed kids are just sitting at home, picking their noses and out of a clear blue sky a gambling bug crashes through the rooftop and forces them into an uncompromising situation that will hook them for life and destroy their little minds.
The last light going out of the sky tonight:
A zillion or so things to do before sleep tonight. Catch you tomorrow.