Today is the start of my working vacation. I’m hitching up in about an hour, everything is tucked, stowed, and ready except for a few last minute ‘throw stuff in a dishpan and set it on the floor with a piece of slip stop underneath it. ‘ I have to tell you, not only is this stuff great for lining shelves, and putting between dishes to keep them from breaking, but if you’re ever going somewhere in an RV, set whatever you want on it and it’s like sticky glue. Nothing moves on it. The beauty of it is that when you hit your destination, just roll it up and stow it in the cabinet for the next trip. Why the dishpan? It keeps anything spillable from tipping over and making a mess.
I figure in about 4 hours to be hooked back up to power close to my old camping spot at the Road Runner RV park. Let’s see if I remember to swing out and pull in and which way to back a coach…damn, I hope so.
Tomorrow is Kayanna day – she’s flying into Vegas and we’ll spend the night at the park and leave early Thursday, the long trek north. She’s promised to read some of her favorite books to me on the way. We both like sci fi and fantasy so it should work well. I hope Riot can come to visit tomorrow night, there’s a pool that needs a lot of splashing in. If not, I will have missed seeing him for about a month. I miss that cute boy!
More later from down the road.
safe trip…i really hope that one of those splatters on your windshield turns out to be the card fairy. THAT BITCH!