Friday, March 12, 2004

Brain Food! Ever meet someone that just kept your thoughts hopping? Made you aware of your own awareness? No? Too bad, you’re missing a lot. Can’t explain it if you ain’t there so…

Friday night brought a little nightmare scenario. I went through most of my night without a glitch/hitch/kiss my butt/or any kind of confrontation. Then I hit a $20-$40 7 Card Stud Game. It was six handed when I sat down.

The 4s was a cute, y-o-u-n-g guy. Really young. I gave the dealer I was pushing a mini-massage while he dealt the last hand. The 4s squirmed around, hinting that he needed one too. I sat down in the ‘dead zone’. The game was pretty dead, no action, lots of ‘if you get stuck in this game, you’re an idiot’ kind of vibes.

The 3s was a overly husky (maybe a little over weight) but a very healthy guy somewhere in the 40’s-50’s. Some of the comments during the game went to the gays being able to marry…woops…now they can’t…go to Oregon…and on and on. The 3s made some comment that appeared that he was going to marry his mate and his mate was a man. Hey, no one flinches over these things in the poker room. His sweater (mate?) appeared and sat behind him. They were both good sized guys.

The 4s got a call on his cell. He went through the, “You mean you just finished dinner?” and a few other million threads of conversation and finally convinced his caller to come into the poker room and get him for a drink.

He kept looking over his shoulder at the Front Podium and I finally asked him what/who he was looking for…telling him I’d alert him when they entered the room. Three girls/ladies. He teased that I had to be interested in him when they arrived. (Honestly…he was really cute and well built but I’m not into one night stands).

Just before they showed up, the action went crazy. The last thing on Earth that one would expect to happen, did. There were four players in for a completion to $20. Just as I burned and dealt the up card to the 1s, the 3s, OUCH…it happens here…the 3s discovered that he had a spare down card under his arm. The spare card had apparently came from the 4s’s hand when he folded.

The 3s made all kinds of noise, insinuating the 4s threw his card into his hand…as if he’d done it on purpose.

I immediately called for a decision. Dave N. (Brush and Supervisor came over) and I explained what had happened. Dave looked at the 3s and said, “The hand is dead.”

The 3s asked, “Well, what if I just throw my cards into another player’s hand…”

I caught Nate’s eye and mouthed, “Get Suzie!”

Dave continued with, “We wouldn’t recommend that, Sir.”

Suzie appeared. I explained what had happened. Suzie told me to give the 3s $20 out of the rack and kill the hand. I did. Before I let her escape, I asked about the card run…the error had been discovered after the 3s had received fourth street…before the other two players had received fourth street.

She told me to continue with the deal…the next two players would just get their cards, in order, off the deck.

Don’t worry, the next two players didn’t hear a word of anything that was going on. After I killed the 3s’s hand and dealt out the next two cards, they questioned it. I gave them, “That’s the decision.”

The long and short of it, the 4s’s girls showed up. They preened and did a little dialogue tango while the 4s informed them that I wanted him. He looked directly at me and said, “Linda, the massage will have to wait.”

I fell right into his game and said, “Another time then.”

Ain’t poker grand?

I was part of this project. Sweet!
Howard Lederer’s ‘Secrets of No Limit Holdem’