I’m seriously having a disgusting time fading through the harsh waste land of broken clubs and jagged spades strewn across the never ending path that always seems to climb upward and onward and then completely disappear at times as I stumble…sliding into the bog…I’m almost immersed with my grannie fingernails pulling at any piece of slime covered cracked Aces and 9-2 offsuit, hanging on to those hateful memories, trying to keep my nose above the surface…
Of course the surface I’m trying to stay above is myself. I’m beat to a frazzle in poker. Most of it is my own frustration with the game. I continually argue with myself that I can’t always find the same non-playable hands day after day – yet I do – so I suppose I really can. And my timing is horrible, like if I pick up J-J on the button and push, I run into someone in the big blind that is holding K-K. Kings are good, nice hand, kiss my ass, I hate poker. Not really but it feels that way sometimes.
I find myself fighting me. I want to play, but I also want to win – and I’ve won very little over a long period of time. I believe I’m running bad, but then I question if I can run bad forever. The answer is yes, I can. The cards never have to even out, not in this lifetime or in the next 500. I question if I should just stop playing for awhile and give my thoughts a break from the game. The answer is yes, I should. I may do that. I do have a lot of things on my menu right now and taking a break wouldn’t hurt a thing. Poker will still be there a week from now, a year from now, or somewhere in between.
Ah-h-h-h-h-h well…I have time to think about it! And I can always change my mind, everyone around me seems to change theirs at the drop of an eyelash.
A feast for the eyes, taken about about 10 days ago when the sky was still filled with light:
A note on comments. I have my permissions set so that all comments must be approved by me. I receive – literally – hundreds of spam comments a month on three particular posts, Back in the Box, Chantel McNulty, and Brandi Hawbaker. Interesting choices.
A note on our new president. Pray that he loves poker and realizes how much money the US can make from regulating and legalizing it.
Howdy! We missed seeing you earlier this month–figured you were busy, and we were both sick the whole time. We wouldn’t want to share that with you
Sorry to hear THAT BITCH card fairy is still slapping you around. I am convinced she spends more time pounding those of us that refuse to accept that she can continue to do so. …that’s my deep thinking.
No good advice for you of course, but a suggestion on something that works for me. Take enough time off to get your head right about the game. Keep it in perspective right?? : ‘God, give us grace to accept with serenity the things that cannot be changed, courage to change the things that should be changed, and the wisdom to distinguish the one from the other.
Hope to see you soon! Your day will come, I know it
things were totally insane, although I would have loved to see both of you, I couldn’t drag myself out of the insanity to drive into Vegas for a few hours. I am so sorry to hear that you spent your time in sin city being sick. UGH! Next trip out please let me know a bit in advance and I’ll make it. Thanks for the ‘kill the card fairy’ wishes and thoughts.