Not much news going on

It’s a Thursday.  Back in the day I would’ve celebrated (just like I did every day) with a few water glasses full of wine.  Funny how time changes things.  Now I can barely stand the thought of a glass of wine.  Upon occasion when my sis comes over with full wine glass in hand, I think I should be drinking one with her.  Sometimes I do, but not very often.  No desire.

Once you untrain your brain from certain habits, it’s funny how the desire to do something just isn’t.

This is a massive money making month at PokerStars.  Which, obviously, makes me wish I could be playing there. The December Festival has $15,000,000 heading to the tables in a variety of competitions and milestone hands.  But not to worry, no one in the US is going to be in a position to capture any of it.

I want to stick my head in the sand when it comes to all the issues going on in the US with gambling legislation.  It feels like a quagmire of insanity and reading any of it is simply frustrating.

If the field isn’t opened up throughout the US, all the games in the individual states will be in trouble.  I always liken shallow playing fields to the old Montana games.  When I first got into the business, the games were hopping and people were screaming through the doors to play.  The same thing happened when I opened the Gulf Port Grand in Mississippi.  But it only takes a few years and if new blood isn’t continually circulating through the tables, the fields dry up and it’s the rocks pounding on other rocks trying to take home a daily dollar. Like the Montana games, the same 100 players fighting over the same $100 bill year after year.

The games on aren’t dried up, they simply never were flush and filled with massive action in all limits…they could definitely improve if more players around the US were allowed in to play.  Even if we combined with New Jersey, it would be a huge leap in the right direction. Delaware was supposed to be in and combining with Nevada but so far there isn’t even any smoke.

New legislation was introduced in California that would require players to go to the casinos to deposit and withdraw funds.  Supposedly to curtail underage gambling and control money laundering…and the kicker? To get players into the casinos.  Of course!  If players wanted to go to the casinos they would get ready and drive on in but leave it to a politician that doesn’t know jack to make online poker more difficult. That story is here.


Today is week 4 since surgery.  Still hematoma draining issues but it appears to be lessening.  Perhaps another week and all will be as if it never were.  I’m giving myself the full six week recovery period before I head out to the desert with Scout.

And my neck of the desert got a delightful, gentle rain that stayed overnight day before yesterday, and then late in the night last night it was back for a few hours to spread a blanket of fog off across the valley.  Seems strange to see fog here.

Time for this one to call it a night.