To all my friends that read here, I wish you the very best life has to offer every day of the year, not just on a day designated by humanity to be a day of giving.
Last year my buddy Riot spent his two week Christmas vacation with me. The great news is that Momparental has decided he can spend the second week of it with me this year (what happened there?). That’s a Christmas present in itself. It’s been over three months since I’ve seen him.
But the point is, he asked me if I believed in Santa last year. He had his doubts. I told him I loved to believe in fairy tales and Cinderella stories, and yes, I believed in Santa. This is what we did.
He wrote it out, and even though we didn’t hang a stocking, he got some special goodies for his cooky efforts.
Never give up the side of you that believes in miracles and fairy tales. It’s a special place. You can add to it over the years and treasure all the wonderful finds you come across.
Have a fantastic Christmas — and spread it around so it shines all year long.