Howard Lederer Tells all to

Well maybe not all…but a lot.  Get ready to find out where ‘the professor’ has been the last two years (not necessarily physically, DingDong) and perhaps what his next move is – or isn’t going to be. just launched an introduction to ‘the Lederer Files‘ today and tomorrow should bring two videos.  From the introduction that Matt Parvis wrote, it should be informative and hopefully answer lots of questions that everyone wants to hear Howard reply to.

Maybe Chris Ferguson, Phil Ivey, and a few others will start to bleed informative interviews in the near future?  Maybe not but we can always hope.

More later…

Let me add a smile to your day and aid in helping this video go viral – even more than it is now.

[youtube width=”640″ height=”360″][/youtube]


And more later from my side of the world…