Happy New Year

Who wants to make a resolution when life is so much more fun if you just wing it?  Just go for what you know is right; stay away from those with bad energy; eat dessert before your meal because life is too short not to enjoy it; argue if you have to but if you can’t win, walk away and let it go; take care not to piss off the Card Fairy; play poker every chance you get but do put family and loved ones first…well…most of the time; treat the next person you meet to a smile; stay well and enjoy the hell out of 2011.

3 thoughts on “Happy New Year”

  1. Grump.

    Glad to read Boston gets the chance for a keel break now and then. That the turttle is making it. Wondering about the twelve foot wall. Laughing my ass off about all the piping that needs removed, relocated and replaced. Shaking my head over all the gravel spread, trees planted and knowing the summer is short no matter how long it seems.

    I’d wish you a Happy New Year, but twelve hundred miles separation might not be enough to escape with my life.

  2. Hey TM,

    I must’ve explained something incorrectly, no piping is being removed, relocated, or replaced. All the pipes are good to go. The direct burial ELECTRICAL cable has been laying atop the ground for almost 24 hours now and I have plenty of water – very good sign. Next week will be trenching to put the DB cable underground as it should be. All the gravel spread is not going to waste, my sis still lives there, and will enjoy the trees and all the effort, and it’s a short hop to go over and sit on the patio. The wall will remain, and I believe I will create an incredibly nice patio area with a chimenae and the wall as the back drop with bird feeders, etc. because soon the river birches will be well above the wall on sis’s side and I will get the shade and serene effect on my side. It’s a good thing.
    Too bad there are 1200 miles between us. You might enjoy a cup of coffee and a sit down with me. I can even carry on intelligent conversations when I’m forced to.
    Things are good, thanks for the visit and comment and happy, happy New Year my friend.

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