I didn’t knock the dust and cobwebs out of the interior of this mind escape last time I was in here, and I can still see my footprints on the walls from the last time I visited. I need to talk to myself about this. Today I have a jumble going on in my main brain linking system and it could force me to reboot at any time (that would be an escape to go play Metroid the other M) but until then, let me scribble.
One part of me wants to laugh at the idiocy of the US Government regulating online poker…the other part wants to cry. It’s retarded. The great state of CA is trying to legalize intrastate online poker along with sports betting? With the whole world out there to take on as your virtual sparring partners in a friendly game of poker, why would anyone want to be limited to playing only with players in their state? Perhaps the casinos will initiate tournaments that only residents can play in next? But back to the internet, why should any government regulate a person’s use of their computer and internet experiences in their own home? Here’s the real screamer in my opinion, the online poker sites are making money, and paying other governments for licenses, and employing people in the countries of those other governments to run servers, update equipment, provide support answers in a foreign language (yah, that’s my favorite part), and other issues pertaining to online gaming. Billions of dollars are being shipped to those countries, billions that could help the US keep our country alive and well. The US is so good at sending money overseas to help everyone else while our nation fails its elderly, our school system, our transportation upkeep, our children, and a myriad of other issues that could be resolved with extra money provided by people doing WHAT THEY WANT TO DO and ARE GOING TO DO ANYWAY. Play poker!!!!!!!!!
I’m still on the rant about online poker and have never left the soap box. Being chained and collared with one more form of control is NOT THE ANSWER! So here it is Kids, go sign the letter.
I’ve been busy. Twiddlie dee-twiddly doe, who hasn’t? I’ve been absent from the momparental and dadparental ‘can’t get along’ for almost a week, yah, had a few phone calls but basically have butted out of it completely because I just can’t stand it. I feel so much better being out of the loop. Riot did start school on Monday, in the school dadparental enrolled him in, and I talked to him briefly on the phone on Tuesday night. All he wanted to talk about was the fact that he just farted. OMG! He gets on poop and fart topics at times that leave me crying to change the subject. So I left his cute, little boy phone call after the third time I told him I wanted to talk about something else…with an “I love you, call me tomorrow,” escape.
I’m trenching a water line to one of my new tree plantings – by hand – and it’s a do as I feel like it type of thing for now. It will be incorporated into the drip watering system when it’s finished. The weather is cooling down just a teensy bit. I’ve been out for walks with my neighbor Amy again in the early a.m. Perhaps just a teensy sliver of baby fat has been dissolved from around my middle in the last month or so. That’s a good thing.
I hand washed the Steed the other evening. It took some time but it sure looks a great deal better. The wind had been on a rampage over the weekend and I went out for a little 4x trip one afternoon. Four different times I had to completely stop and wait as the wind whipped the dust in front of me into a heavy curtain of dirt with no visibility. Arriving home, I checked out the Steed. I could’ve planted potatoes on it. There were dust lines forged by the wind across most of it. Shit, I hate washing vehicles.
Off to do something. Maybe I’ll be back tomorrow and see if I can start removing some of the dust in here. Tee Hee.