but I couldn’t seem to get here. Ever notice how that works? Something keeps nagging at you and you want to take care of it but all kinds of other things pop up and get in the way and before you know, more of your life has slowly leaked off like a bad tire that refuses to give up the location of the hole and yet won’t stay filled.
I had Katie one afternoon, what a sweet treasure she is, just a walking, talking little doll that likes to dance to a bear that does “Singing in the Rain,” and she makes sure the bear plays the tune repeatedly. I’m not sure if she wore me out or I wore her out but she took the nap, I stayed up to do some website work. All in all, it was a grand time and very soul refreshing to just put everything away and do kid time. She’s 18 months old now.
And Josh has been very busy with his painting and art; have you wondered what that full Einstein looked like? This is it. And he’s taken a piece of his creativity to show the beauty of his baby Rain as she crawls into life from a wonderland filled with flowers and beauty that mankind hasn’t had
the opportunity to mar.
Riot was allowed out of lock down and I picked him up on Wednesday afternoon. His dad is supposed to meet me at the top of the hill (the hump) sometime today so he can go back home and hopefully start preschool on Monday. I’m hoping. He’s been great this trip out. I’d like to believe that they are both working with him in mood and anger control and doing a lot of it for themselves in his presence. Time will tell.
I have a trip planned to the emergency room for myself later today after Riot goes home. The UTI seems to have returned and none of the Dr.’s in Pahrump are available to call in a prescription for me…hey it’s the weekend and if a medical issue is going to strike, it’s always late night or on the weekend, right? Right! So… I hate to wait two days to start attacking a problem that is painful and can cause other issues if not corrected.
Other than that, I’m listening to the neighbors fucking bass with no tune attached, there are four little kids running around the yard, playing and giggling, as Jesus (one master block layer) has two children, a boy and a girl that are Riot aged, and Jamie has a boy that is Riot age. The dads are building wall, the kids are building the beginning of getting along with each other. Nice!
Later…no poker the last four or five days, maybe tomorrow.