I was hoping to

write a positive note on poker.  I cannot.  Yes, my dear Monkey buddy, I have played, forgive me, Senor, for I have partaken of the evil delights of getting hands snapped again.  Two instances in Sit n’ Go’s that have now slipped into the poker sewer sludge but still create a bit of turbulence in the gray matter as to “How does it continue to happen?” 

One – 9-9 all-in vs. 5-5 with a flop of 10-10-6.  Hello, a 5 on the Turn.  See ya, ya busted me.  The other A-A vs. K-8 offsuit with a flop of Q-9-8, 8 on the turn, 9 on the river.  See ya, ya busted me.  I still don’t quite fathom that it can happen for the rest of my life – without a few wins in between – but I suppose it can since it’s been happening now for quite some time.  Yes, Ken, please leave me a comment about a way to beat the ‘evil plot,’ I would love to find a way.


It’s a dark sort of day here in the desert, it has nothing to do with poker, the sky is kind of pouty and sullen, but no wind.


I have neighbors.  I hate it.  Of course you could wonder what’s so unusual about having neighbors since most of the world does.  My coach sets parallel, about 20 feet off the fence line, to a property that had been advertised for sale when Vickie and I bought the property.  The house was empty for the first five months.  I met the owner when he was out doing some repair work one day.  He works at Bellagio, interesting….

He took down the for sale sign and rented it about a month ago.  The new renters are younger than my youngest son, yes I introduced myself when one of them was in the yard and I was out doing some work on the skirting.  He said they might have a dog, but it was small, (lie), and there were three of them and a little girl that’s 2 years old.  They liked to have a BBQ now and then, etc.

Nice enough seeming guy, probably really is a nice guy.  But the whole thing is on the borderline of what I left in Las Vegas – living in the RV park on Boulder Highway by Sam’s Town.

The frigging dog never stops barking, it’s big, and is tied to a doghouse in the middle of the property about 50 feet from the coach.  They had a pod brought in and set it in the middle of the back yard to keep a little, shitty dirt bike (probably other things in too) that they have to fire up and scream around the area in.  Dirt bikes are one of the most obnoxious pieces of shit I’ve ever listened to when it’s a constant back and forth and in and out.  The idiotic part of it is that 1/4 of a mile away down the road, it dead ends into a huge area of mountains and hills that are perfect for dirt bike riding.

Then coupled with the above, there are 3 to 4 vehicles that are in and out at all hours of the night, and one of them has the blaring, ghetto, bass music that vibrates your vocal chords from 90 feet away.  They have friends that scream in and out on motorcycles and 4 wheel drive vehicles from time to time.

Go figure.  This is all rural out here and I end up with them right out my back door.  There is one neighbor that lives across the road from them and nothing on the other side of them.  It’s really a home owner’s nightmare.

Since I can’t come up with the funds to buy the place next door and evict them, the next move is to start figuring a fence – block wall or something – that I will build to help cut their lifestyle out of my peaceful existence.


When I hit Vegas to meet Marie and pick up Riot last week, we played at the Orleans.  I won.  It was a crazy game too.  I called a raise with the A-5H and the flop was 2-3-4.  There were several people in the pot and the original raiser just kept firing.  I waited until the turn to raise but the turn really did hurt my hand, it was a 6.  Not to worry, two people called my raise, and paid me off on the river.  I raised with Jacks twice and ended up folding on the flop or turn, the offbeat hands were ‘da-bomb’ but pockets were poop.

When we left the game we went to TGIF and had lunch.  Great visit and good company.  Last year when Marie was in town, we barely saw each other.  It seemed that she had hot and cold running company continuously from the time she got here until she left to go back to Iowa for the summer.  This year has played out a bit differently and it’s been nice for me – she’s great company and a true friend to the end.


I did go in to the Pahrump Nugget and inquire about their poker game.  Yah, I will make it soon.  I also started going to a chiropractor here in Pahrump (clearspine, wish you were in my neck of the woods) and one day when I went in for a visit, there were four guys sitting in a row of chairs waiting to be next (it’s a very different arrangement, everything is in one big room where all the patients have their therapy/treatment right in front of everyone else), I said, “Hey, this would be a great place to start a poker game!  Anyone player poker?”

One guy semi raised his hand.  It was my turn with the Dr. so it skipped off to no more conversation.  The following day the same guy was there and I pursued it.  He said he didn’t play but his wife did.  Debbie was on the massage table and raised her hand.  We’ve visited a bit since I’ve seen her on other visits.  There are 3 places in Pahrump that have live poker but I believe the Nugget has a game every day.  That will be my first visit when I decide to clean up (look like a girl) and go out for a few hours at the tables.

For now, still trying to find the Card Fairy so I can beat the bitch to death after I pull her wings off.

2 thoughts on “I was hoping to”

  1. I hate neighbors, I am spoiled because at home on the mountain I have none for 2 miles. I was spoiled here too, no one in back of me, a car wash space on my back side and an empty space on my door side – until 4 days ago. Why they move someone next to me when they have 100 empty spaces is beyond me. They are not noisy or anything, they are just THERE and I like being away from people, and not just 12 feet away. Maybe they will move hoping to find a nicer friendly neighbor 🙂

    When you find that damn fairy give her a swift kick for me!

  2. Even my other neighbor, that lives on the other side of mine and sis’s property, has sent me emails regarding the ghetto bass rigs, the traffic, and the dirt bike. That’s pretty extreme if she’s sending out an SOS without me even having flagged her first about it

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